making the spock sign from star wars and entering your better half
i was spocking my girl last night
by darren lowe March 23, 2005
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Making the spock sign with your fingers and then masturbating a male between your middle and ring finger.
I sat on my husband's lap and started spocking him.
by NeedADickin September 13, 2011
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def 1 -The art of sexual distribution of fingers between the anus and vagina in the form of a star wars sign known as the vulcan greeting....aka.... SPOCK

def 2- The act of inserting four fingers into an orfice and expanding them oout into the vulcan greeting sign to give your that.... super full feeling
- I spocked Joe's ass so hard last night
- I'm really in need of a good field spocking!
- I spocked her to the left, spocked her to the right, I spocked those holes at the speed of light
by TheSpockMasters January 5, 2010
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to simutaniously put ones fingers into both the reproductive organ and the excretion orafice of a female to give much pleasure. the act is performed using only one hand and can take some skill.
"hey dave, did u really spock that bird?"
by stagwood bumstead October 7, 2005
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The art of inserting 2 fingers into a woman's vagina and the other 2 into her asshole so that the hand looks like the "vulcan statue" , a hand sign that Spock uses in the 'Star Trek' franchise. It is also refereed to as 'Two in the pink , two in the stink'.
Person 1: "Hey, you know that girl I scored last night? I totally spocked her!
Person 2:"What?"
Person 1:"You know 'The Spock'? Two in the pink and two in the stink bro! haha!"
by flamingball2340 March 2, 2014
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a way of masturbation with a partner, much like the shocker, but using 2 fingers for the anus, and 2 for the birth canal.
first comes the popper, then the shocker, and then the spock.
by landino44 September 24, 2007
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Like the wordshocker except two in the pink AND two in the stink
I met this girl at the bar last night, she was drunk she let me Spock her
by Duke July 10, 2003
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