Clean, neat, tidy, ready for presentation. One seeking a positive reaction from others would want to look spiffy, and to get there would go through the process of getting spiffed up.
My my, don't you look spiffy! What's the occasion?
by JimboQuality March 19, 2010
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When a man is dressed up in at least a shirt and tie for an occasion or no reason at all, usually while wearing sexier and slinkier underwear.
The pledges looked pretty spiffy around campus today. They all wore black pants, a white shirt and a red tie for valentines week.
by Knotted up May 19, 2020
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Used to describe people that are amazingly cool.
Jesse Jealousy and Keshia Killer are spiffy girls.
by kiwitheish July 3, 2009
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A really cool word that has gone out of style and should come back that means really cool or super swag
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Fuckking and utterly awesome in every way shape and form. Similar to baddas.
That's fuckking epic." "On the contrary, that is spiffy.
by Bear =] January 5, 2011
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A word that I use meaning cool, awesome, great, or good looking.
Mostly used as sarcasm
prep:OMG! look at me brand new $300 sandals!

katie:*rolls eyes* spiffie...

Woah, that guy is SOO spiffie.
by kt-bug July 5, 2004
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