a crap ass aisan car thats used to try to win races agains good cars.
there are a lot of freakin rice burners in vancover
by jenn November 20, 2003
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Any Asian-import automobile. The term "Rice Burner" is derived from the cars' origin, in Asia, where rice is a very abundant food (it's a starch). In order for a car to qualify as a Rice Burner, it must:
1) Have a 4-cylinder engine, also referred to as a "Four banger"
2) Be of Asian origin, and produced by an Asian automobile manufacturer, such as: Honda, Toyota, Infiniti, Lexus, Kia, Mistubishi, Suzuki, Subaru, Isuzu, or Acura, to name a few
3) Be small and compact, as most Asian imports are
4) Be extremely ugly, as most Asian imports are
5) Have an extremely annoying, and extremely poor-sounding muffler and exhaust system because the cars only have 4-cylinder eninges, which are totally worthless
6) Have a four banger that makes a petty amount of power and torque, that a kid on a bicycle could beat to 20 mph. Here, there is an exception however. The Mistubishi Lancer Evolution, and the Subaru WRX STi are the most powerful Rice Burners sold in the United States. Although they make upwards of 260 hp, and they should be given atleast a little bit of respect, they are still considered Rice Burners because they meet the rest of the requirements, and a car that slips through the cracks of this definition could be devastating to my credibility
Most Rice Burners are modified by their foolish owners. Several owners choose to bolt cheap, crappy parts onto their Rice Burners, becuase they are foolish and they think this makes their crappy car look "cool." These parts can include: even crappier sounding mufflers and exhaust systems that are usually extremely restricitve, abnormally large, useless and overdone rear spoilers, rather ugly body kits that do nothing for the cars' aerodynamics, unproportionally large wheels, often chrome, that can slow the cars' acceleration and lenghten it's braking distance because of the mass of the wheel, underbody neone lights that are illegal in most states to drive with, front wheel drive that is worthless, and last but not least, retarded sound systems that most of the time take up so much luggage space its not even funny, that eat the cars' battery alive, and taht disturb the peace by playing retarded rap and gay person pop because that is what is considered "cool," but is really not because most of today's population does not realize how incredibly awesome Rock is.
My Rice Burner sucks and it sounds like poo.
by Eugene Wahmbat January 6, 2005
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Little tiny tires and rims that stick out way to far and serve no purpose other than to throw dirt and gravel all over their own cars and others around them. glowing buzzing farting sticker collecting pieces of crap that only go fast down a large hill with the wind at thier back.
by JACOB LAWRENCE February 11, 2004
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A compact car usually seen with the following-Fart can muffler, clear lens tailights, oversized rims, 10 foot high spoiler and seen packed with 10 spikey haired baggy pants wearing mommas boys who cant seem to speak real english. They can also be seen with stupid looking body kits in a futile attempt to make the car more aerodynamic or look "cool". The occupants ussually thinking that everyone is checking out there ride when in reality they are being laughed at cause there car looks dumb. Also seen trying to race real performance cars and getting there asses handed to them. these are real pansys cars.
rice burner, honda civic, acura rsx are considered normal rice. wild rice are as follows toyota supra, nissan skyline subaru WRX sti, Lancer Evolution RS. But still rice none the less.

"hey bra!! rockin body kit man!!! you must be fast!!!"
"hey unhook 4 plug wires then race me dood"
"your lucky i dont have nawwwssss"
by Roseau November 29, 2005
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a very ignorant male who is normally in his teens very unsure about his gender and often homosexual
by mike wardroof April 22, 2019
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did I scare you into deleting my DEFINITION?

My 78 FORD Bronco Has And Will Run Over Any Riceburning Fart Can Exhaust P.O.S.
Anyone Want To Take Me On???
Come Get Some!!!
Fear The Power Of The Mighty Ford!!!!

what did I hit? musta been a speed bump or rice burner same diff. LOL
by 78Bronco October 8, 2003
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ANY Japanese motor product. Usually deriving power from High RPM's and NOT from engine volume.
Man o Man listen to that rice burner go.....
by PONYBOY July 13, 2003
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