Named after 1991's Operation Desert Storm, the invasion of Iraq during the First Gulf War. Refers to a job seeker's decision, especially during a recession year, to print off and mail out dozens or hundreds of resumes in hopes that some employer will offer him an interview. Usually unsuccessful.
Graduation's only a few months away and if I don't get a job I'll have to move back home. It's about time to mount Operation Resume Storm!
by Schmuck2012 December 11, 2009
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A phrase used to request a fist bump. Usually used among climbers. Originally used to show that the other person is safe to climb with.
"Yo Somani, show me your resume!"
by 5.15 is only the beginning February 10, 2010
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Having 3 or more degrees and still not being able to find employment thereafter.
John just finished his Master's Degree and now employers are saying he's overqualified. He already had an Associates and a Bachelors and still can't find a job! The only things he's receiving are 3rd Degree Resume BURNS!
by sweetjdubs August 6, 2010
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to hook up, get laid, usually with one night stands, NSA sex, or tricks.
Damn! I'm so horny. I think I am gonna work on my resume.

I worked my resume last night with this guy I met at the bar.
by hungphd8 January 16, 2010
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When you lied on your qualifications in your resume and got the job.
John hired Peter for an executive position needing extensive EXCELL skills. After asking Peter for reports that Peter couldn’t provide he realized he got resume fished.
by LA Star November 19, 2020
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When you lied on your qualifications in your resume and got the job.
John hired Peter for an executive position needing extensive EXCELL skills. After asking Peter for reports that Peter couldn’t provide he realized he got resume fished.
by LA Star November 19, 2020
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No, it won't --- YouTube is gonna play at least one more ad before letting you watch your show again.
Now dat Fletcher Reede cannot actively tell fibs anymore, perhaps he can at least partially slake his "forked tongue" cravings by taking a job cueing up da product/political ads for YouTube videos --- since he would merely be playing da ads themselves but letting someone else do da inserting of da "Your video will resume in _ seconds" messages, said second computer-stiff will actually be doing da lying during da programs.
by QuacksO November 15, 2021
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