While it is true that the Republican party used to be the party of Lincoln, and that a higher percentage of Republicans voted for the 1964 civil rights bill than Democrats, modern day Republicans are very different.

In 1964 Democrats from northern states voted almost unanimously for the civil rights bill, Democrats from the south voted almost unanimously against it. The Democrats who opposed civil rights were southern conservatives, they would be Republicans today.

Strom Thurmond was a Democrat, he left the Democratic party in 1964 specifically because he opposed civil rights for blacks. Charles Pickering, the conservative judge appointed to a federal appeals court by GW Bush during a senate recess was a Democrat and switched to the Republican party in 1964, specifically because he opposed civil rights for African Americans. Many Republicans who supported civil rights became Democrats in 1964.

Look at a map of former slave states and compare it to a map of the 2004 electoral college results. Notice a pattern? Ohio, Indiana and Iowa changed from free states in 1861 to Republican states in 2004, Maryland and Delaware changed from slave states in 1861 to Democratic states in 2004. Except for those 5 states, the maps match up exactly.

2004 Electoral College Map:
1861 Slave State Map:
Not all Republicans are racist, but all racists are Republicans.
by j05h May 16, 2005
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fucking morons who dont know anything about the world. people who only care about their money or are highly uneducated. they support war and kill innocent people without even knowing the cause. basicly faggots who suck cock and eat pussy.they like to push their bielfs on the rest of the world because they are so arrogant. they would rather get a million more dollars than help the rest of the world. MORONS, IDIOTS, JERKS, ASSHOLES, BITCHES, FAGGOTS, FUCKERS, HILLBILLYS
George Bush is a complete fag who pushes his own beliefs on the rest of the world.
by fuckbush March 10, 2005
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While it is true that the Republican party used to be the party of Lincoln, and that a higher percentage of Republicans voted for the 1964 civil rights bill than Democrats, modern day Republicans are very different.

In 1964 Democrats from northern states voted almost unanimously for the civil rights bill, Democrats from the south voted almost unanimously against it. The Democrats who opposed civil rights were southern conservatives, they would be Republicans today.

Strom Thurmond was a Democrat, he left the Democratic party in 1964 specifically because he opposed civil rights for blacks. Charles Pickering, the conservative judge appointed to a federal appeals court by GW Bush during a senate recess was a Democrat and switched to the Republican party in 1964, specifically because he opposed civil rights for African Americans. Many Republicans who supported civil rights became Democrats in 1964.

Look at a map of former slave states and compare it to a map of the 2004 electoral college results. Notice a pattern? Ohio, Indiana and Iowa changed from free states in 1861 to Republican states in 2004, Maryland and Delaware changed from slave states in 1861 to Democratic states in 2004. Except for those 5 states, the maps match up exactly.

2004 Electoral College Map:
1861 Slave State Map:
Not all Republicans are racist, but all racists are Republicans.
by j05h May 15, 2005
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Someone who believes that the rich white male has the only valid opinion in the world. Most republicans are pro-life and pro-war, which also means they are hypocrites.
George W. Bush is a republican.
John McCain is a carbon copy of George W Bush.
by Vurt July 11, 2008
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1. a bunch of dumbasses who don't realize that having kids with their sister is fucked up, and makes retarded kids. They also are proud of being total jackasses and think that they kickass because they are white.

2. the rich assholes who can't speak a single word of the truth, and take advantage of stupid people in order to make themselves even richer, and make poor people and anyone else who realizes they suck poor and powerless.

3. I hate them all
Bush is a jackass, idiot, and a republican. Coincedence? I think not.

One of my friends is really republican, and he is okay, but his dad is a fuck, and his mom hates gay people.
by FucktheGOP June 27, 2006
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A psychological condition, and corresponding diagnosis, indicated for a person who displays or exhibits the following signs or symptoms:

1. An inordinate concern for his/her own welfare, property, and/or wealth;

2. A disturbing disregard or dismissal of the welfare and material needs of others, a distinguishable anti-social personality disorder; and,

3. An unsteady and hypocritical view of the truth, requirements and demands of Christian religion.

A condition identical to and synonymous with derangement and child molestation.
Doctor 1: "I am serious! He would cannibalize his wife, bury his child alive, and rape and sodomize his mother if doing so would earn him a buck."

Doctor 2: "Oh dear! He's a republican. He should be in a mental hospital . . . , or prison."
by Bill Beck O'Hannity March 30, 2010
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