A greeting used to proclaim one's intention to kill based on past murders. More specifically, if you happen to be in the movie The Princess Bride.
Person 1: Hallo. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
Person 2: Dude, wtf?!
Person 1: Princess Bride moment.
Person 2: Oh got it! AAAAAAAH (*runs away screaming)
by lrb323 December 12, 2010
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Phrase typically used by teens as a euphemism/cover for going down the street to smoke a joint.
Teen: "Going out, Mom..."
Mom: "Where, and for what?"
Teen: "Emergency Preparedness Meeting with some friends..."
Mom: "Have fun, be back for dinner!"
by Sunshyne Lollipops February 5, 2010
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A phrase used when dreading an uncomfortable situation.
Jane: Hey Dave what's got you all balled up?

Dave: My wifes' parents are stay over all week, I gotta prepare my anus.
by JustAnotherUselessUser June 2, 2019
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Something done before foreplay to prepare for sex. Usually done by men.
Henry: Holy crap that’s great! Do you have any plans for sex preparation?
Chad: No. What do you do?
Henry: I regularly warm up by rubbing my dick on sandpaper before I go into my girlfriend. Since I usually generate 1.5+ gallons of semen I need to make sure to use a strong condom, I would recommend magnum. Then I tie my junk to my car and drive off to increase my length.
Chad: Holy shit that’s genius!
by HornyNarwhal May 29, 2018
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A slang word for "are you ready to die?"
Johnny was walking slightly faster at the pool and the lifeguard said "Are you preparing to meet Jesus?"
by 69trainboi August 2, 2020
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A phrase that could also be used 'SIMP'
' hey i gtg, have a test tomorrow simp (so i must prepare)
by grrr.co.uk November 28, 2020
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The acting of preparation

See also - prepare, preparing
I need to preparate for this trip
by ParisianPrincess April 2, 2022
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