An exclamation used to show frustration, such as "oh dear" or "dammit"

Also a tasty Scandanavian finger sandwich.
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Being so drunk that you vomit,defecate,and urinate at the same time.

"Ah!Steve just pooked in my car!"
by el clerko August 5, 2003
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2.a fat bitch
1. Awww, that little kid was such a pook!
2. Uhh. That nasty girl just supersized her meal at mcdonalds. What a pook!
by XingXing February 22, 2008
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When your dog looks at you when he/she poops. (a dog will turn to the pack leader while pooping to see if the leader (you) notices any signs of trouble).
"aww, fluffy is pooking at you!"
by Lanapurdy August 27, 2018
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A term of endearment. Usually used in the romantic or silly sense. Geared more towars the male of relationships. It can be used interchangably with Pookums,Pookie and Pookus Maximus.



by Phorty40 February 22, 2008
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An utterly sucky or useless person, a tool.
You can't even jump that? You're such a pook.

Only pooks own Wiis.
by Sailboat January 7, 2008
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