To quickly define yourself as unintelligent, ignorant, dense, foolish, dull-witted, slow, simpleminded, vacuous, vapid, idiotic, imbecilic, imbecile, obtuse, doltish; occurs with the use of the word "fleek."
There is no intelligible use of the word "fleek."
by PewPewTeach December 22, 2016
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Adj. 1) (slang) a state of completeness and flawlessness, the quality of being perfect 2) the combination of fly and sleek . Synonymous with on point.
by Atomic Afro June 5, 2015
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Sure, men may never experience the pain of child birth, but women will never fully appreciate the agony of a fleek. A fleek is a light flick to the testicles. The pain doesn't come at first so the target is usually happy and thinks "Ha, they missed". However, the throbbing soon starts to seep in like a cold fog rolling in at the dead of night. As the bewildering feeling spreads from the groin area, the target wants to vomit as if they were hit in the stomach with a sledge hammer. The term "fleek" was popularized during the great fleek wars from 1990 to 2000. Some say the fleek wars are still guard those balls.
Popular Usage: Oh, I've just been fleeked... oooh..ooooh… tell my wife I loved her…
by AKJenk July 4, 2005
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A mixture of the words fart and gleek - used to signify a fart that squirts a little, or a fart that splashes a few drops of moisture on your underwear. The liquid may not necessarily be fecal, as when you fart with a sweaty butt crack.
"Dude, I just fleeked. I gotta go wipe."
by UrbanLinguistics March 4, 2015
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Sohinki: "Seeing Joven without a shirt made me feel on fleek"
Lasercorn: " Dude, same."
by Graser10cpMCYT January 12, 2015
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A word used by moronic uncultured people who do not have a grasp on the English language.
I am a fucking moron so I use the word on Fleek to describe my appearance and or how my day is going.
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