Levon Helm
Rick Danko
Robbie Robertson
Garth Hudson
Richard Manuel
The band was a rock group in the 70s that played with Dylan, Ringo, Ronnie Wood and the like
by ChoosegamingFPS December 2, 2020
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To be barred from use of a forum by a moderator for cause. Synonym: banned.
I got band from the pokah! forum when I questioned the moderators parentage.
by dm00 August 17, 2005
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A band. It's either a college or a brass band they march sometimes too, or classical band, school band, rock band, rap band, they all play a important role in ya life so be thankful.
Man wat the world be like if they had no bands. OOOOO it would be stupid boring,shitty,and ppl would go crazy and probably kill themselves.
by Trumppppp July 13, 2009
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Acronym for Bitch Ass Niggas Deserve Every Disrespect. Also commonly used in online games as a synonym of "banned".
*gets shrekt in pvp*

Thug: "BANDED, nigga, BANDED!"
by xX_uRm0m_Xx February 21, 2015
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A thousand dollar stack of $100 bills.
Bands is referring to the rubber band often holding the stack together.

Sometimes people can over exaggerate with this term as well.
Yo this car costs 100 bands!!!
by honextly December 12, 2022
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a term used by many indians saying im a low life loser due to the cause of a mistake or error.
oh no, im a bande bande
by chickity china! May 28, 2011
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To repeatedly pull back and release (snap) a rubberband against your wrist. Often used as a way to break the mental habits of self-injury, or as a "quick fix" until the normal pattern of self-injury can be followed.
Instead of grabbing a razor, I sat there banding until the craving went away.
by Broken the Bunny April 16, 2007
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