a wet, muddy, stinking, flooded, dirty pile of wreckage... and that was before hurricane Katrina.
New Orleans was destroyed? Who cares, it was a shit hole.
by custer September 2, 2005
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New Orleans - Check Atlantis for a better description
the people of new orleans tried to copy Atlantis, and live underwater...their plan failed...
by bzaaam! September 17, 2005
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A city under water.
After hurricane katrina.
We hate her,she ruins everything.
by Shelbi. September 11, 2005
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City being rebuilt only to be destroyed again by another hurricane so everyone can cry and say," Why did GOD do this to us?"
Man: I finally rebuilt my home. I added in reinforced glass windows, titanium door frames and walls, and a flood resistant basement. I'm set for the next...
Hurricane blows through New Orleans, tearing down the Mans house
Man: Goddamnit...
by Not in New Orleans June 7, 2006
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An ecological disaster. It will most likely be completely rebuilt but the area is sinking, and because of it's location near the Louisiana coast, there is a strong chance that it will be devastated again this hurricane season, before the levies are rebuilt.
Move to New Orleans if you want to die.
God shall smite New Orleans.
There's still a New Orleans?
New Orleans may be rebuilt, but it will not be protected from another Katrina or for that matter another category 3 hurricane.
by Post General June 10, 2006
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The contents of a toilet after muddbutt
ah that taco bell left the city of new orleans in the toilet
by Pete...... September 20, 2005
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When someone takes your shoes

Reference to the common shoe scam in new orleans where people ask you "where you got your shoes from"
"My friend says he's going to new orleans next period"
by ears_ears December 13, 2021
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