its a sandwich which just egg and mayonnaise
joe eats egg mayo sandwiches'
by September 14, 2020
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A slang term for male ejaculate.
Hey Susie, that sandwich looks a little dry. Would you like me to put some man mayo on it?
by Aaron June 29, 2004
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Exceptionally large hands in proportion to the rest of the body, a common genetic abnormality occurring in the natives of an area of western Ireland called Mayo. The reason for the mutation is believed to have come from the natives love for finding potatoes, throwing turf at strangers and means that the area breeds some of the finest volleyball players in the third world.
"Hey, check out these gloves, they cost me like 150 bucks!".
"Wtf, have you got Mayo Hands or something?"
by seedyplaya January 7, 2012
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The practise of spreading mayonnaise around the edge of a pate in a restaurant so that when the waiter comes to pick up the plate s/he gets mayo on their hand.
'I will continue to do the 'Ring of Mayo' in Weatherspoons until they change policy'
by Lyle Hardgrove December 18, 2011
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A dick because mayo looks like cum, and cum comes out of dick.
I'm gonna suck his mayo makers tonight
by Hoe679 May 15, 2016
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A pejorative term for a Caucasian man, or women derived from chat rooms/comment sections on social media. White people "stereotypically" have an admiration for the taste of mayonnaise, hence the insult Mayo Monkey
Those "Mayo Monkeys" are always causing trouble.
by Truth Serum 58008 March 2, 2017
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