malcolm is what one might call an absolute legend. he is good looking, athletic, and has lots of friends. in short you would want to meet a malcolm. he is good at pretty much everything he tries. if you trigger a malcolm (be super annoying, or be steal his belongings) you have a 99.99999999999% chance of getting your arse kicked.
by ttvurmom May 5, 2019
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A retarded Jew who is terrible at rainbow six but yet he thinks he’s amazing after coming silver 5. Has a mad crush on every one of his girl friends who immediately friend zone him.
Can Malcolm come?

No he’s so annoying please don’t invite him.
by Zack0001 December 3, 2019
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Malcolm is a kind and adventurous person. He will never let you down and is very determined. They are very athletic. He is cheeky, yet very generous. Malcolms are funny and have a very fun and care - free vibe to them. He might not show it often, but Malcolms care for you very much. He will always put you in a good mood.
Tom: Have you seen that guy over there climbing up the school?

Josh: Yeah, he must be a Malcolm! Always getting himself into trouble, but I heard he’s a great friend.
by Ambrie_x August 12, 2019
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malcolm is name given to voluptious men which give russians a quick happy time
some russian guy: he comrade look over there that guys quite a malcolm
by dr.smirnov April 22, 2021
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A really good guy. Has lots of friends. Gets laid all the time. Gets in trouble at clubs once in a blue moon. Woman magnate. Eveybody loves this guy. Always at the popular scale. Has a GREAT LIFE.

You will be GLAD u met this guy!
Malcolm: Hey wasup?

Girl: Hey wana have a threesome with my girlfriend and play COD after with the guys.

Malcolm: Ok:D
by king malmal July 20, 2011
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A very peng guy often good at football and uses various type of skills in football and to move to gyal. He’s seen as a gyalist and beats a lot and I mean ALOT

Damn can tell he’s called Malcolm I want to be like him
by Showkey814 GANG January 28, 2018
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