A criminal syndicate typically engaged in drug trafficking, assassinations, prostitution, money laundering, gambling, and bullying of paranoid people for no apparent reason
I think I'm being followed by the mafia, because a guy from eastern Europe gave me a funny look the other day, when I was late for my therapy session.
by Risperdal June 29, 2011
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A term used to describe people who are outside of the law and profiting themselves. A few great examples of these people would be Al Capone, Momo (Sam Giancana), and of course Vito Corleone (The Godfather). If you belong to the mafia you are a mafioso or a mobster!
Do you work for the mafia?
The mafia owns almost everything in the world.
The mafia kills off people that are considered bad.
by Claire May 18, 2004
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The real mafia is from Sicily. It was started in thousands of years ago when people stuck together to fight off the frequent invaders form other areas of the world. The mafia was origionally sicilian and has been copied by many other nationalities but the biggest mafia presence in the world and America has and always will be the Italian Mafia.
dude the Italian mafia is the real mafia
by i don't like it March 12, 2006
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Strictly Italians and they know business. None of these little hometown "gangs" and bullshit that think they're cool cuz they smoke shit and pick on other kids.learn your shit before you call yourselves a mafia!
stupid conformist who doesnt understand anything: "dude, the ridgway mafia is supposed to fight the st. marys mafia tonight"

really ticked off person b/c ppl dont understand that *mafia* is strictly Italian: "what the hell? we live in red neck central, PA. right next to wiggers town"
by Betsy April 21, 2005
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A fun card game requiring at least eight people and the more the merrier. One person is the Sheriff, another is the Doctor. At least one person is the Mafioso, though with more people, there can be more. Everyone else is a townsperson. Roles are chosen by card dealing. Another person, who does not actually play, is the Narrator. He runs the game.

The Narrator will tell everyone to go to sleep. Then he will tell the Mafioso to wake up and select a person to kill. The he tells the Mafioso the go to sleep.

Then he will tell the Doctor to wake up and select a person to save. If the Doctor selects the same person the Mafioso selected, the person lives. The he tells the Doctor the go to sleep.

Then he will tell the Sherrif to wake up and accuse a person of being the Mafioso. If he selects correctly, the Narrator will nod. The he tells the Sherrif the go to sleep.

The Narrator then tells everyone to wake up. If a person died during the night, the Narrator will say so.

Then the floor is open for accusations. Everyone but the dead can pick someone to accuse. If someone is accused, they then have the opportunity to defend themselves. The table then votes on whether or not to send them to the electric chair. If they do, that person is also dead, whether they are the Mafioso are not.

The game continues until all the Mafiosos are dead.
Me and my friends often play Mafia at birthday parties.
by LorgSkyegon November 8, 2004
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The Mafia, was referred to in Italian as Cosa Nostra "Our Thing" or "This Thing of Ours", is a secret society that evolved from Italian Organized Crime in mid-19th century Sicily. An offshoot emerged on the East Coast of the United States during the late 19th century following waves of Italian immigration to that country.

The Mafia's power in the United States peaked in the mid-20th century, until a series of FBI investigations in the 1970s and 1980s somewhat curtailed the Mafia's influence. Despite the decline, the Mafia and its reputation have become entrenched in American popular culture, portrayed in movies, TV shows, and even product commercials
"Mafia" is today often used by extension to refer to any large group of people engaged in criminal racketeering activities, such as the Russian Mafia, Black Mafia, Mexican Mafia, Japanese Yakuza, Irish Mob, Chinese Triads, Albanian mafia, Cuban Mafia, Indian mafia, Cormafia, and several other ethnic organized crime groups.
''The Mafia were powerful''
by sweet jesus May 31, 2006
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me: Woah! Did you just see that mafia totally kick that gangsta's ass?

random guy: :0!
by DaRealFatty June 24, 2009
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