A mischievous, pageant trickster deity.
Loki shows up often throughout Norse mythology, usually causing problems for the Aesir but just as often helping them out.
Example: A Jotun arrives to Asgard, saying to the gods that he can build a wall around the earth in one year. As payment, he requests the sun, the moon, and Freyjas hand in marriage. But, he has this absolutely juggernaut of a horse that proves so helpful, by the end of fall, almost half the wall is already done. So Loki um... 'distracts' the horse as the form of a mare.
Also, I'm not really gay, but damn, my man looking real fine tho. and I don't just mean in the marvel films.
Odin: Great, well have the jotun distracted by your seduction plan!
Loki: What does the jotun have to do with this?
Freyja: Oh god.
by Generic_Name idk February 4, 2022
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Best fucking person ever, you'll never meet anyone like him anywhere. Im so glad we are friends.
Loki is so silly!
by uwubestbuddyi March 8, 2022
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Loki is an MLG 369 quikscoper and hits those. He beats James in a body building competition and drink Mountain Dew and eats dem Doritos. And wears dat Gucci supreme and don’t like dem poor chavs.
- Look! Dat boii hits dose
- Skeet Skeet Yeet Yeet quikscope
-MTN Dew MLG Doritos
-Loki means you are lit and you hit those
- This means that they’re lit if they have that name 🔥🔥🔥
by Your nanny’s fanny December 21, 2018
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A) A renegade Asgard who experimented with abducted humans from Earth. Stopped by Thor and a clone of Jack ONeill
B) A type of Recon Fighter in Decent: FreeSpace
Loki's cloning of O'Neill caused his downfall.
by Major Davis September 13, 2003
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Loki, I'm sorry but Disney saved your butt by making you an incredible series, cause if they didn't, you'd be the most annoying villain ever.
Person 1: Loki would suck if Disney didn't make that new series
Person 2: Ikr!
by I didn't use my real name! March 31, 2022
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The most sexiest, hot, romantic guy alive
by IilMex July 30, 2020
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He likes anime, but hides it. He is strong and does boxing, misunderstood at school, has a skinny like body, but proudly says how he is 195 pounds.
Wow! What a Loki! He is super cool.
by Thatgrill December 25, 2018
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