to get beaten badly in a game or sport.Or to get pinched or hit by a lobster
1.Dude,that noob got lobstered.
2.dang i got lobstered by that lobster
by Alex Gonzalez September 5, 2005
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A bigger case of crabs, very hard to get rid of. Oversized crabs on a whore's body. VERY contagous!!!!!!!(an STD)
Nita: That whore Tiffany gave me Lobsters!!!!!
Jay Ray: What's that?(i wouldn't know bcuz i'm a virgin)
Nita: They are worse than crabs, cuz they are huge er!!!!!!
by Jery February 13, 2007
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The goofy people that hang out in your dorm lobby all day long. Usually smell bad because they don't shower and are proud of that fact. They hog the big screen TV to watch the Star Trek Marathon or Rocky Horror picture show with the sound turned off as they read the script they wrote for it. They sit there for hours playing board games like Dungeons & Dragons or Magic the gathering or some other goofy crap while wearing fairy costumes. They may not even belong to your dorm but take it over anyway and join forces with the dorks that do live in your dorm. They just sit there like idiots as you pelt them with snow balls, super soakers, and rocks. Even after you force them out, the smell is still there. Typically they are CS and chemistry majors.
We had planned to watch the football game on the big screen in our lobby but we don't have time to run all the damn lobsters out and clear the air before it starts.
by Sceadu October 17, 2006
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Sunburned; Reddened by the sun
"Hi, Charlene. You look like you got lobsterized."

"I sure did. You look a little lobsterized too.
by Brian P. Costello August 18, 2006
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A term used to describe a woman with an "ample backside," the reference being that "all the meat's in the tail."

The term gained popularity at the US Naval Academy after the term WUBA was banned from use by the Commandant of Midshipmen.
Man, Jennifer Lopez would be the perfect woman if she wasn't a lobster.
by Midn2/c (Ret.) May 11, 2011
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adjective - relating to chinese buffets, the act of throwing up on the floor after eating excessive amounts of food. often regarded by regular buffet attenders to be an unrecoverable situation.
"we better run, fred's about to lobster and it ain't gonna be pretty"
by buffetman March 2, 2009
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A dual 'Shocker'. Good for threesomes (2 girls one guy) or for streching a girl's anus and/or vagina.
"CHOPPA CHOPPA! I busted out the lobster on those two girls last night!"
by Beniworld September 6, 2006
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