Boo-licious. When your boo (boyfriend or girlfriend) is so hot that they are booty-licious or delicious.
My boo Dustin is so hot, he is boo-licious.
by crazy_beautiful_2_4 February 22, 2011
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1. Something or someone that seems great online but IRL they aren't at all what they seem.

2. A poser that tries to front mad skillz while safely behind a computer screen but IRL they are 30 years old living in their mom's basement or something similar.
That camgirl is mad e-licious, but IRL she snorts when she laughs.

That vase I bought on eBay is ugly, but it was e-licious in the picts.
by Sirharper November 18, 2004
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Extremely delectable edibles. Expression may also refer to a unique color or outstanding article of clothing.
This pineapple-banana smoothie is absolutely yummy-licious!

I just saw the most yummy-licious eggplant pashmina shawl!
by Bahrainz November 18, 2002
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1.To be Rape-A-Licious; Mainly pertaining to the male origin, one who is extremely hot you would want to rape him. 2. Worth getting in trouble of rape for. 3. Super Delicious

Origin: From the mind of a high school freshman in 2000 in Oakley, California. She was trying to describe how hot a senior boy was.
Ohmygod, his body is Rape-A-Licious!!
by Melissa October 14, 2004
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A word used to describe Yu-Gi-O's cereal. Apparently means they taste good, but it could mean they taste like Yugi.
by CanisMinor July 20, 2015
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"omg dude look at that girl dancing over there. she's so sexy"
"no way man, she's sex-a-licious"
by jessie's loverrr November 12, 2008
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