The term used when men perform the scissor sex position. Labelled junking because the men's junk hit each other during the act.
"Hey grant wanna get a drink tonight?"

"Hey, sorry man I can't me and JP have already planned a junking sesh"
by Chicks99 June 30, 2013
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a very bad hangover; used to express the way you feel after a hard night of drinking when all you can do is lay down.
Man, I'm completely junked today. I can hardly see straight.
by Joe2009 October 13, 2009
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Stuff that you keep lying around forever, and then throw away 2 days before you need it.
by Noyb May 10, 2003
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When you press or rub your bulge on any part of someone with or without their consent.
Dang, Jeff just totally junked that girl by the bar.

Girl you best move your chair and let me pass unless you want your back junked.
by the boogie man lives! December 10, 2010
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Partially or completely wrecked.
Dude, Jess totally junked her car last weekend!
by ezzie April 19, 2007
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(Adjective) - Used to describe something that is cool, fly, or swaggy. Particular something that happened/was experienced, or an article of clothing.
"Damn dude, those kicks are the junk!"
"That shit's the junk!"
by Frank Serpico March 29, 2019
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