Where all the girls like the TikTok boys who bite there lip and wink. The sevies spend the whole art class talking about them.
Omg did you see Adam Kural’s TikTok he’s sooooo hotttt park jr high middle school needs Adam and all his friends to make a TikTok together
by Oneoftheobbsessedsevies October 1, 2019
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Wood oaks Jr. High is the best school ever

The people there are so diverse yet awesome! It gave me a new life on Jewish people. Whoever says bad things about the school hadn’t seen how beautiful it is!

Very good and the Asst. Principal is the nicest person there! We do so much and they give us so much back.
Erin: Dude your school is so awesome, where do you go?

Karen: I go to Wood oaks Jr. High
by Woodoakslovers November 29, 2019
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Where all the best tictoker s go to school😎
Did u see his tictoks he is actually dopeeees I can’t believe he goes to park jr high middle school
by Yeboydaddy November 28, 2019
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Joseph Case Jr. High is like an industrial shredder, but instead of crushing things, it eats self-esteem. The kids here are brutal, making fun of others left and right. In some cases, 'brutal' is an overstatement. There are a ton of playground insults thrown around, like "jerk" or "dummy". But let me tell you, these children are mature in an immature sort of way. They know super harsh words that they claim to use as jokes, like "whore" or "bastard". Now, that might not seem that aggressive, but imagine being in a so called "child friendly" place, surrounded by 11 and 12 year old's. There are some kids paying attention to the lesson, but it's mostly joking and talking. You look in the back to see that there are two kids bickering. You don't pay much mind to it, but then one of them calls out, "SLUT!", and laughs. The other kid is completely distraught. That isn't a situation that I'd like to be in. VISIT PART 2
Kid1: "hEy mAN, wANnA sEe mE sLAm mYSeLF iNtO thiS wiNdOw?!"
Kid2: "yEAh, bRO! LEtS gET tHis bREad!"
Joseph Case Jr High School PART 1
by urbanDictionaryAnon420 May 8, 2019
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Although there are some absolute idiots out there, not everyone's a prat. There are some really nice and polite kids out there, but don't be fooled to quickly. The moment you get to know (most) of them, they turn their back on you over something petty. There are girls that will argue over one stealing the other's boyfriend, and I'm telling you now, do NOT get involved with that. What's worse is that the trash talking and drama extends to the hallways. Picture this: You and your best friend have gym together, and on your way over, you approach a group of 8th graders. You pay no mind to them; everyone else in the hall is being crazy. But then, BOOM. You collide with the absolute towers of human beings. This goes for all grades, and even the tiny 6th graders do it. Speaking of hallways, including the collisions, it's COMPLETE CHAOS. The popular kids will slam themselves into, not only people, but doors, walls, tables, lockers, windows, etc. It's practically impossible to get to classes between the yelling, screaming like banshees, making odd noises, and screech-moaning. That's not even the half of it. There are kids who will hit you, and instead of retaliating, you go to a teacher. Guess what happens? Nothing. I'm not even going to start with Mr. Thumb Head. You've heard enough about him. All in all, run for your life, because that's the only way you'll survive here. Stay in vegetables, don't do school, and eat your drugs.
Lil girl1: "oH mY gOD yOu biTCh, yOu sToLE mY bF! uGh-
Lil girl2: "Ummmm... You guys broke up?"
Joseph Case Jr High School PART 2
by urbanDictionaryAnon420 May 8, 2019
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A school that consists of fighting, drugs, wannabe gang members, shitty teachers, a shitty princible and shitty rules they don’t know how to respect there students and they treat us like shit there’s nothing I can do without getting suspended Or in trouble by someone and they school system is all around fucked
Hey what school do u go to
Algonac jr/sr high
Oh shit. *walks away
by Algonac sucks October 15, 2021
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That one school where everyone's a nerd and nothing is fun cause there's nothing illegal going on. Half the students are asian and doesn't give a fuck about football.

But the pranks are extra.
Everyone from West Lafayette Jr Sr High are nerds with a 4.0 GPA.
by Dare Dare December 28, 2017
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