someone amazing and beautiful, who doesn't know it herself
person 1: woah, is that izzy?

person 2: yeah, cant you tell, she is so beautiful?
by noahbutter February 23, 2019
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wow theres so much to say about an izzy. She is kind, sweet, her heart is made of gold, pretty, intelligent (even though she trays to act dumb to get laughs)and SUPA DUPA FUNNYYYYY.shes sorta shy around boys but if you get to know her a little shes a outgoing butterfly! she lets people take advantage of her because she dosnt want to come on mean Cuz shes afraid people wont like her. She LOVES making people laugh/smile!!shes awkward in a corky way. but if you have an izzy in your life, I say get to know her and be her friendddd!
Person 1: ugh im so bored!!
Person 2: then go talk to Izzy! All your cares will go away!!✌️🏽
by chu-know-who.589 March 28, 2018
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Very good person, she's amazingly beautiful and can get a little crazy. Izzy's may seem like a good girlfriend until you find out that she calls everyone boo,baby,etc which would consider her a flirt.
Although that may seem like a problem, she can make up for it with her winks.
Everyone : I wonder how Izzy's boyfriend is able to not get jealous at her for calling everyone baby.

Izzy's Boyfriend : I Love Izzy
by IghtBet December 10, 2018
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This thank you is long overdue. There are so many things I want to thank you for, and I’m sure I’m going to still be missing some by the end of this letter. But here is a small token of my gratitude for just being by my side in this life and making it all worthwhile.

Thank you first of all for accepting me and loving me for exactly who I am. This isn’t easy. I can be stubborn, difficult and confusing, but you love and accept me for me. There are days I wonder when you’ll finally come to your senses and move on and find a new BFF, one who isn’t so complicated, but to my amazement, you never do. You tell me you’ll take the good with the bad, and when I question whether I have any good left, you’re always there to reassure me and show me that I do. Thank you for loving me in my dorky and difficult moments, moments where if the rest of the world saw them, they’d probably walk away. Thank you for understanding me like no one else does; if we didn’t have the connection we did, I can’t imagine how lonely and big this world would feel. Because of you, this world seems like a little friendlier place, one I can see myself being a part of.
Omg you see izzy over there,im jelly of how she looks
by Vguz1080 November 2, 2019
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Fabtabulous and beautiful. The greatest girl on the planet who Sullivan should TOTAAAAAALLY go out with.
by BUTTFACEMGEE January 31, 2013
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Izzy is a midget who hates but loves people! She is very outgoing and loves to try new and exciting things! She's not a fighter but mess with her , and be prepared to get your ass kicked! She knows how to keep a relationship going and strong, she's very athletic and loud with a really cute and adorable personality. She's one of the coolest girls you will ever meet! She also has a killer body! Although she might say she's fat, she's got a booty like No other, and a rack like woah!! Izzy is an amazing friend . You never want to lose a girl like izzy, in your life. Keep her close and and treat her good, and she'll treat you better!
" I never want to lose my girlfriend izzy!"
"She's so fun & cool!"
by Forrealthoe68 May 19, 2015
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A very random, strange girl who likes everything that her friends don't. She may have one friend (See also: Ruth) who likes the same stuff as her, but unfortunately, they are in a higher year than her. May often be seen with this 'special' friend, laughing and watching YouTube videos. Izzy may also go through obsession phases that last from a mere day to to a whole two years. Japan interests her greatly and can often be seen on eBay or in WH Smiths browsing the 'Manga' section. Although her other friends don't really like her interests and are sometimes a little offensive towards her, she thinks they are great. Sometimes she can be down on her self, even depressed, but her hopes and dreams to become an award winning manga artist always cheer her up. She likes american sit coms like Friends, The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, And The Big Bang Theory. Her obessions are usually random and come forth out of the blue.
Ruth: Oh hi Izzy
Izzy: HIIIIIIIIII I just took up drawing mangaaaaa!
Ruth: (Not really listening) Oh that's nice...

Ruth: Right, what shall we do today.
Izzy: Let's............WATCH YOUTUBE VIDEOS!!!!!

Izzy liked dinosaurs, spies, doctor who, Daft Punk and Japan, all in the space of three years.
by Lollingostrich February 18, 2012
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