an adjective to describe an annoying ass person who does fakes shit to get attention (depression etc.) and for some reason is in toxic shipping communities constantly
Person 1: bruh name got into another MHA ship and she said it helps with her depression

Person 2: thats a definitely a rain
by skoonk69 April 26, 2020
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That one emo girl that never grew out of her emo phase. she has blue eyes, pale skin with some freckles on her nose. No taller then 5”3 but has oddly big feet for such a small body. She cares more about animals than people and has a fascination with marine life. oh but most importantly... she’s a bong bitch🍃
friend 1: hey have you heard from Raine lately?
friend 2: no she never answers her messages she’s probably high or sleeping
by bong.xx.bitch March 5, 2021
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When you’re listening to piano man at three in the morning because your ex-wife, Karen took the kids and left the country with your best friend Mark.
Mannnnn, I got rained on last night
by Thicccman42069 February 7, 2019
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a hot blonde that is fun to be with a great soccer player and has a great body and you always want to be with her.
by Hudner!! June 16, 2009
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the most embarrassing way to die in a video game this threat appears in rain world (if you didn't expect this then really?)

it appears in a few minutes and lasts for an entire season (because when you go into a chamber the game says you go into hibernation) and for some dumb reason so much rain falls that it baits the bones to say ur mum gay and then says no u to bones of any living creature and obliterates the bones.

there are other variations of rain, some having no rain at all, the variations are flood, Torrential Downpour (rains nickname), drought (no rain) and emerald lighting (the most dangerous and one of its kind)
slug cat( the character you play as in rain world): just chilling
by someone else thats not u January 11, 2021
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Person 1: What's that?
Person 2: It's rain dumbass
by Did-you-say-all-nighter January 13, 2021
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