A word in the english dictionary that used to have meaning. But since ever hipster now uses to describe nothing it has lost all meaning.
Hipster: That terd I just stepped in, it's so ironic.
You: Why didn't you mother abort you like she should have? Now that would have been ironic.
by Das Twit September 12, 2010
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1) Unusual, weird, worthy of notice. This is now the most common usage of the word. "We're both wearing the same shirt today, how ironic!"

2) Describes the act of doing something with self-conscious humor or for kitsch value. This is a recent meaning, and usually refers to an article of clothing worn by a hipster. ex: "Does he actually work at a carwash, or is he just wearing that shirt to be ironic?"

3) adj. (antiquated) The opposite of the expected or intended result. This once-popular meaning was originally the only correct usage of the word, but it has now fallen into disfavor. It is still used occasionally, but is considered outdated and pedantic. ex: "I find it ironic that a song about irony should contain so few examples of it."
(advice from a small-town Midwesterner to a New York writer) "Just remember that the difference between your people and my people is that my people bowl without (being ironic)." from Self-Made Man, Norah Vincent
by Adam Weishaupt April 13, 2008
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1. To judge, inspect, compare, or ascertain the veracity of something or someone and the inability to proceed until the situation is resolved.

2. To be in the object of act described in Def 1, typically with a negative connotation.

(Possible origins: to "grill" someone/something; Or relating to the nautical term "in irons" (viz "points of sail") i.e., unable to move)
"We have two wedding caterers on the irons at the moment, so we will see who is the better one to go with."

"Jeffrey in accounts is on the irons until they find out if he erred or if it was Bob in IT that made the mistake."
by slobbert February 24, 2013
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Fair enough.

Iron = Fe = Fair enough
Bob: I just pWned a bunch of n00bs!
Fred: Iron
by zorngov August 2, 2008
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just like ironic, only with an "al" because A) it sounds better and B) it's used in catcher in the rye so it must be a good enough word for me to use every day because i do anyways cause it sounds like a friggin' word.
how ironical!
by kerrie December 15, 2003
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Girl 1 "Oh wow my mom ordered pizza and I was thinking about pizza"

Girl 2 "Omg! How Ironic"
by TheChasm August 4, 2012
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n. A form of the word "Irony," a state of being where one often expresses something different from, and often opposite to, what they mean. Often used to describe the degree of irony used when someone describes coincidences in a sarcastic way.

Sometimes replaces the word Irony in normal conversation
Me: My girl is being consistently inconsistent...

You: That's some pretty high Ironicality right there!


"Oh, the Ironicality of it all..."
by JMarcusY August 19, 2009
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