To eat the pussy or booty out. Usually done by a male/female.
I love them fresh eat groceries.
by Lil shawn April 18, 2016
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Yet another bad caucasian dance move. To lean/lurch from side to side with both arms down by your sides as if carrying heavy bags of groceries.
Check out that guy carrying the groceries. Hahahahaha!
by Ray Babycakes July 18, 2006
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The mindless stare people tend to have when grocery shopping resulting in a shopping cart collision..causing injury or harm to another unsuspecting person.
Man i was shopping for some food today and this eighty year old woman with the grocery gaze broke my ankle in two places.
by dank701 November 30, 2009
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The methodical and common practice of walking past all the lanes in a grocery store with your head cocked hard left or right to stare down the isles in search of the person you lost that is shopping with you.
Yo! Check out Sam, he lost Lolly in the store and he's busting out a mad grocery-walk.
by WindowLicker9000 April 17, 2010
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A grocery store is just a place where you can buy your groceries. Nothing to great about it!
I’m gonna go to the grocery store because we ran out of milk.
by Bell is the name August 26, 2021
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A place where my father goes to buy cigarettes for 7 years and then calls to say he forgot the milk
Ill be right back son *whispers in ear* tell your mom that I was going to the grocery store
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