A violent cuddle, usually used when something or someone is very cute. Sometimes involves kissing and hugging.
"Ohmygod! It's so cute!!!" *GLOMP*
by Its-a-secret! October 18, 2010
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an over enthusiastic jump hug greeting that can sometimes be sexual. common among fall festival shakespearians.
FFOS Kid from MMRHS: "Hey, I know you!" *glomp*
FFOS Kid from THS: "Hey!" *glomps back*
by Tasha T October 8, 2007
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1. Embracing someone for a long period of time.
2. Milkin'a hug
You were really glomping that hug from that girl at the party weren't you?
by jwc2raven September 25, 2008
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The act of latching onto someone's body part in a friendly way.
Sid loves to be glomped by his best friend, Cy.
by SSapphire May 8, 2007
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To latch onto someone in a hug.
"I like to glomp hot chicks. ^-^ lol"
by Dave May 16, 2004
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