How about I give you $20 for a little ficky-fick?
by Bungalow Bill January 30, 2002
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1. Nonsensical jargon. A made up word derived from the wonderment of yore.

2. The woopty woop of a bigger, more sizable salamander.

3. When the Cock Goblin debates on CNN.
"Stish Ficks!! Curd turtle and Yabuckle Jones brought the HEATer McGeeter last night!!"

"Ned's newts knew nothing negating necrophilliac's nifty negotiating 'neath Natalie's nads."
by ready2ruckus July 9, 2018
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to describe a fickle person; a fick. especially ironic due to its similarities with fuck.
"you fick!"

"your such a fick, you!"

"fick, fick, fick"

"fucking fick"
by tiaw August 20, 2005
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Literal german translation of fuck off.
Although "verpiss dich!" is being used more commonly, "fick ab!" is the up-and-coming trendword since it sends a clearer, stronger message, is often understood by foreigners, too, and can be screamed more violently.
Popular comparative and superlative degrees include: "stirb ab!" and "stirb aus!", suggesting to the addressee to "die out" or "get extinct".
-"Hast du mir das Bier mitgebracht, Tatsch?"
-"Fick ab!"

-"Did you bring the beer, Tatsch?"
-"Fick ab!"
by findus767 July 12, 2011
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A polite way of using "motherfuck" but you still get in trobule which is total bullshit
....jus use it in a way for mother fuck, MOTHER FICK> MOTHER FUCK
by OMG1337 April 18, 2006
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to state simply it is the reverse placement of the first letters in "licking finger"; can be used to trick people into believing you said something bad
person1: omg. that person is a ficking linger!
person2: ..what did you say?
by ms.cellaneous September 14, 2007
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