1.a ciggarette (British)

2.a slang word for a homosexual or also used in wrong terms when person is disliked
1."Could I bum a fag off you?"

2."Dude, just shut up you fag!"
by boston punk December 25, 2003
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Short form for faggot.

A word used by ignorant homophobic teenage males to describe anybody/thing but themselves. This is almost always in a subconscious attempt to prove that they are not gay; everybody around them is. See also faggot and homo.
You're a fag! She's a fag! I'm the only straight one here!
by Chrissi December 28, 2004
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Derogatory term sexy people use for people who play WoW
<sexy person> "George Fisher and anyone else who plays WoW are fags"
by Xtreme2252 March 9, 2009
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Bob-would you like a fag?
Me-JEE thanks bob id love a fag
by maggot June 18, 2004
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1. n An obnoxious, inconsiderate person usually associated
with Harley Motorcycles.

2. n A giant douche.
Dude: Man, those fags are too loud. I'm gonna go kick their asses.
Man: I know, What faggots.
by ThePersonYouWishYouWere123 November 10, 2009
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