STAY AWAY FROM EWAN (unless your gay.) Ewan is a sort of person who will go around jumping on any dicks he can find, he is also referred to as a gay man whore. Ewan is a deeply racist person. Hhu if you have a dick over 7"
Ewan! Come jump on my white 8" inch dick!
by Biglicker16 November 28, 2019
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A little fat neek who disrespected grandpas kitchen. Ewan's are often found trying to go shedding but not allowed because of the up most disrespect they have to grandpa
"Little neek ewan, talk smak and there will be two hits one me hitting you in the face the other you hitting the floor"
by Not ewan semark October 30, 2019
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A prick.
Just a prick.
John: Ewan is such a Ewan
Jill: What does that mean?
John: He’s a prick.
by Ewan Cain October 28, 2019
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A fat ugly weirdo that has no friends and eats his mums poo and dads corps
by Is the truth to hard bi**h November 10, 2019
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When "pulling a Ewan" you fumble the bag; not being able to be with someone you like; making the other person lose interest in you
Josh: Hey Greg, I think this girl that really liked me is losing interest in me.

Greg: Aw man, don't be pulling a Ewan, that's the worse.
by Corbonnn April 13, 2022
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a hot scottish actor who is partial to exposing his penis in films
omg i hear brad pitt is going to pull a ewan mcgregor in his next movie
by kady April 1, 2005
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When in the gym training a dumbbell falls on your feet leaving you in pain as you bend over to pick it up someone drives a kettle bell up your ass
I went to the gym for a dirty ewan
by JonBranchett March 31, 2020
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