Definition of disappointment: running into a wall with a boner and breaking your nose first
you:"i know the definition of disappointment"
you:"i broke my nose when i ran into a wall with a boner" sheds a tear
by KENNYKEN KEN March 3, 2010
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When you get back home from Halloween and your dad is drunk and wants skittles but all you got was licorice and Hershey’s so he chases you until you are hiding in the closet hoping he won’t find you but he does and starts beating you with a. Belt and calls you this.
Son you are such a disappointment, if you ever get licorice again I’m sending you straight to the orphanage.
by DaBoss339 November 24, 2020
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a son who, no matter how hard a father tries, continues to fail. When a Dad attempts to raise a son who is straight but the result is the opposite.
Son: Hey Dad! I would like you to meet my boyfriend, David.
Father: Thomas, you are a disappointment.

Person 1: I just met a big disappointment.
Person 2: O, I'm sorry to hear that your son Thomas is not straight.
by Brian M. (Father) December 27, 2011
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Tom Brady and the Patriots going 18-1
Pats fan: man it's ok they went 18-1 I still love being on their bandwagon
Football fan: dude you fucking suck they will never live that down they will remain the SINGLE GREATEST DISAPPOINTMENT in NFL history hahaha you fucking douche
by Joe Pepito February 4, 2008
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To remove a person or thing from a previously bestowed appointment, entitlement, status, or position.
When Darci wasted part of an iTunes gift card on a crappy download recommendation from Mark, she had to threaten to disappoint him from his official position as "best music recommender friend ever."
by thekidcomesback July 14, 2011
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