A small hole made in a bottle, such as a plastic soda or water bottle, that leaks liquid out in such a manner so that it resembles a tiny stream of urine.

Very fine indeed!
The most common method for making a Very Fine Dickhole is to have the bottle full of liquid and hold the tip of the flame of a butane lighter against the side of the bottle, near the bottom until a tiny stream of liquid starts to leak out; thus creating a Very Fine Dickhole, very fine indeed.
It's a Very Fine Dickhole.
by Adam Ware March 17, 2006
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A small hole made in a bottle, such as a plastic soda or water bottle, that leaks liquid out in such a manner so that it resembles a tiny stream of urine.

The most common method for making a Very Fine Dickhole is to have the bottle full of liquid and hold the tip of the flame of a butane lighter against the side of the bottle, near the bottom until a tiny stream of liquid starts to leak out; thus creating a Very Fine Dickhole, very fine indeed.
It's a Very Fine Dickhole.

Very fine indeed!
by Adam Ware March 4, 2006
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An opposer to the black dick militia. Operates on roblox to destroy everyone with a small smelly pecker.
Person 1: have you seen the black dick militia?
Person 2: no I heard they got their foreskin cut off by the BCB
Person 1: fuck, I hate the big cheesy dickhole
by Fat bum cock May 7, 2023
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A place to put your dick. Mouth more so anywhere.
Aye shut your dickhole.

I’m bout to put it in your dickhole
by Blakboi November 26, 2021
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A male Dickhole is both an asshole a dick and he is also a faggot. But a female would Dickhole is a clumsy slutty chick.
Fuck off you fucking Dickhole!
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One who is overly annoying and doesn’t stop messing with you they stick around kinda like an STD on the dickhole.
Justin: did you know puppy’s can fuck a goose

Hayden: Justin quit being a dickhole
by Notlikewiener666 March 31, 2023
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