The perfect person. Beautiful, smart, heavenly. Devon's tend to be blond and tall, and sometimes shy.
What a devon. I wish I could be as perfect as that
by Not perfect May 27, 2014
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A great guy who watches out for the little guy. Likes the underdog. Awesome huggermugger player.
Not related to the other devons on here - except for maybe the bald one!
Hey here comes Devon. I guess I'll stop beating up the little guy!
by Shaemas January 3, 2012
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devon is one smooth ass nigga. He is kind,funny,cute, smart and charming.
person A:who is that?
Person B: oh Devon? He's one of the smoothest niggas you'll ever meet plus fine asf
by miriam1208 January 20, 2022
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Devon can be a boy/or girl name, but is most common in boys.

The boy version would be a very good athletic, total player, but sweet when you get to meet him. He's very good looking, and about 6'5 or 6'6. When you meet your Devon you'll understand, girls.

The girls version would be a cheerleader or a total nerd. She would have a very popular boyfriend or be single. She's either perfect and flawless, or ugly and distasteful. She's either 5'8 or 5'4. When you meet this Devon, boys, be careful.
For Boys: "Yo, Devon! Pass me that Basketball/Football/Soccer ball will yah?"

For Girls Ugly Version: "Ew, look at her! Whats her name again? Oh right.. Devon."

For Girls Goreous Version: *Girls faint no words because everybody is just staring at her beauty.
by Emma Oak November 16, 2018
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A shitty person who doesn't like being vulnerable. They tend to keep their guards up and have walls surrounding them. But rest assured, they're trying their best to be more kind and open. (They're also fruity)
Someone: "Who's that mf?"
Me: "Oh that's Devon, they're gay asf and kins Catra from She-ra LMFAOOOO"
by devlikescats October 21, 2021
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the whitest most dry man you will ever meet; just like a saltine. he’s never afraid to cancel plans and he needs to work on his communication because he doesn’t know how to express feelings in words. he’s kinda and caring and loves cuddles, but don’t get your hopes up because he’ll probably ditch your plans for something else.
“guys i just ate a saltine
“you mean devon?”
by 1234thatbitch February 26, 2022
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