a rare beauty, who is extremely smart, and has a love for life! A beautiful person who wants to change the world and all that she meets in it!!! She's a hero and a one tough chic that will not take any bullshit, strong-willed, dedicated, humble, beautiful, crazy but in a healthy way...good crazy, optimistic, adventurous, wise beyond her years, have great instincts, a carefree soul and has a good aura and dope vibe. A woman who has a good taste in music and is just simply fabulous and freaky, wild and Very good at sex.
wow, i just met a crystal... she was amazing!

Damn!...Crystal has the perfect combination
by theevileyes November 23, 2021
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1. The process of forming a crystal lattice.
2. The process in Lincoln-Douglas Debate, occuring at the end of the negative's last speech where the negative explains why he/she should win the debate. Crystallization is usually done by summarizing one's arguments on each contention and stating why they are surperior to the affirmative's arguments.
1. When water drops below its freezing point and the external air pressure is sufficient, crystallization occurs and turns the water into ice.
2. You did a wonderful job explaining why you won this debate in your crystallization.
by Anonomous May 7, 2005
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Kri-stal(V.) -

To shove four fingers up one's ass to the knuckles.
Yo I Crystaled that girl last night so hard she bled and I wiped it on my ex's pillow
by Mr. Mystic May 1, 2009
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crystal is THE bar. no one can exceed THE bar aka the CRYSTAL. she is everyone's fantasy and everyone's dream girl. god is a woman. crystal is a woman. therefore, crystal is god. everyone is in love with her because she's funny, beautiful, kind, intellectual, has good fashion sense, has cute freckles, her piercings are HOT. she is the definition of GORGEOUS. everyone is in her fan club :)
Girl 1: Oh, did you see that girl ? She's GOREGOUS!
Girl 2: She's such a crystal!
by crystal'snumber1fan October 8, 2020
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The name given to a female often found in a trailer park or lower income urban housing developement.
I am sweet, I am sexy, give me a dolla and im sure to holla! The best is yet to cum. I am an angel, I am Crystal.
by uh0hizcrys November 21, 2006
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She's a huge manipulating cunt bag that will do or screw anything for a dollar.

Not pretty enough to be such a gaping asshole, but picks easy and sad men to take advantage of.

Pretends to be country, and like football; but doesn't know how to bait a hook, or what division her favorite 'team' is on.
Unfortunate Guy "She told me I'm her one and only!"
Guys Friend "Yea bro. And she also just made you buy her $50 worth of Chinese food."

Crystal "Ohhh touchdown!"
Unfortunate Guy "Umm...this is hockey."
by FuckYourIgnoranceB November 7, 2017
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A crystal is a white trash, dirty flip flop wearing bag of douche. Due to the fact that she is a super slut with 7 kids by all different dads, she collects money for support and posts on social media all implying what a great mom she is, meanwhile she’s manipulating her next sperm donor and pushing him to the brink. Yes, crystals are so psychotic they aren’t the strippers who are paying tuition, they’re the bitches who strip because it’s attention that they don’t get unless they’re drunk and so is everyone else nearby. With hepatitis a-z, daddy issues, no heart or conscience and an extremely disappointing face, crystals are often great at pretending they have emotions (as do sociopaths). If you meet a crystal, run away, get tested, use disinfectant, don’t judge yourself- just be grateful you dodged a giant filthy bullet.
Person 1: hey, have you seen crystal?
Person 2: well,if shes not off tying some poor guys noose for him, try following her slugtrail.

Person 1: hey what’s a good name for my daughter due soon?
Person 2: unless you want her to be a dumb, trashy, and slutty with a face like memory foam? Don’t go with crystal
by Citizen of Manchester September 8, 2018
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