Determining the depth of a body of water using one's crutch.
Crutch depth is only a few feet, we will be able to ford the river!
by Herschaft March 20, 2010
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"Who had it worse" syndrome.

Crutch envy can apply to an individual who thinks they had it worse than others or a group of individuals that think they had it worse than others.
Individuals who identify with a historically oppressed, disenfranchised, and/or victimized ethnic/national/religious/generational identity and compare it to another ethnic/national/religious/generational identity, with the intent of trumping the others victimization.

An individual who feels the need to identify with a group that was victimized in history, then views the atrocities as a form of rivalry against other victimized groups.
Morally obnoxious comparisons of evil (African American slavery versus the Jewish Holocaust).
"You think you had it bad, when I was a kid I had to walk 5 miles in the snow every day", in which the other retorts "Oh yeah, well I had to walk 6 miles in the snow every day, without shoes" is individual crutch envy.

"Everyone else is a liar, everyone who claims that their campaign was "the hardest of the entire war." All those ignorant peacocks who beat their chests and brag about "mountain warfare" or "jungle warfare" or "urban warfare." Cities, oh how they love to brag about cities! "Nothing more terrifying than fighting in a city!" Oh really? Try underneath one." Emil Renard, World War Z is group crutch envy.

Al Sharpton's anti semitic rants stems from crutch envy
by dmw335577 March 1, 2011
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A dirty little peasant that lives in his lair at spearwood, casting spells with his mank, lice infested, overgrown silver bearded crutch! His favourite attire is his gay sparkly white cloak which matches his pathetic little staff! He travels around on his little girlyman scooter bringing misfortune to all he meets!
Innocent bystander: Hey Crutch Wizard sit down ur wrecking the joint!

Crutch Wizard: BLUPLUPLUPLUPLUPLUPlupluplup POW! throws a handful of his magic crutch dandruff and vanishes!

Innocent bystander: Infected
by diverone86 January 4, 2011
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1. the use of one or two females (a.k.a. biddys) to support ones self at a part or outing when one is either incapable of supporting himself from intoxication or has a broken ankle, foot, or leg.
Person 1: Man, you have a broken ankle. How are you gunna get around at the party?

Person 2: I'll be fine. I'll just grab some biddy crutches.
by E Pops January 30, 2009
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when u hit someone in the balls with your crutch
I crutch crotched some kid today because he was making fun of me for being crippled

person 1:crutch meet crotch, crotch meet crutch
person 2: hold on wat!
person 2:oooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
by goddessman3 January 21, 2010
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Used to describe the process of forcibly removing contraband substances from a prisoner, by other prisoners.
From the T.V series 'Bad girls'. 'This punishment of de-crutching was once memorably inflicted on Zandra by Shell and Denny and a family-sized tub of margarine (s1ep2)'.
by mal.jones September 12, 2006
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Means that something is awesome and/or amazing. Etymology: This term was derived from "Sweet Mullet" in an attempt to translate "sweet mullet" into Spanish by way of "Dulce Muleta." However, mullet has no Spanish translation, and "muleta" actually means crutches in Spanish. Hence the term Sweet Crutches.
Rob: Dude! I made out with Ethan's sister!

Rick: Haha! Sweet Crutches!

Ethan: You did what?
by RockHound6969 January 14, 2010
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