Andy has been crumping that girls bum hole all day!
by spongebob12345 March 12, 2008
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Noun. A boss ass bitch

Verb. The act of crumping. In good context it can be anything beneficial done by the Crump squad to a recipient individual. In negative context, can be anything negative or just some dumb shit done by the Crump squad.
Noun: That must be Ms. Crump. Look at how cool she is. I wanna be just like her when I grow up.

Verb: "Hold my shit. I'm gonna Crump'er"

Y'all let's get ready to do some Crumping tonight!!!!
by 1010203breezy November 29, 2017
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A venereal disease contracted sexually in which small shrimp like creatures habitate in pubic hair. These creatures highly resemble ocean based crumpets, but are molescule in comparison. Easily treatable with douche.
Girl 1: WTF!!?? I just found a miniature shrimp in my crotch!
Guy 2: Holy Shit! You got the Crumps! You dirty bitch! I told you that your addiction to banging Hobos would lead to trouble!
by the triple threat gang March 21, 2008
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a new dance for the new age music of hip-hop, worst kind of dancing you can do the needs no skill what so ever to do
bboys - hey the crumpers messed up your hyped cypher again...

crumper - aye nikka what the fawk ish a cyper...???

bboys - damn their hip-pop is shit...

crumper - stfu real hiphop has no breakdancing in it

bboys - lets kick their big shirt wearing ass..
by iloveyoubabycakes May 13, 2005
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Crump is a word to describe a weird person. They like children a bit too much. They can be quite scary and are usually very tall . Beware if you see a crump run.
Who is he? I don’t like the look of him”
“Idk, looks like a crump
by Crumpfartmaster November 30, 2020
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A technique used to masturbate a male equine by use of the hands. One hand is placed around the main part of the penis, the other is placed over the glands. This simulates either an artificial vagina or the vagina of a female horse. Backward pressure is used on the glands and moderate forward pressure is used on the main part. The male equine will thrust forward and the handler must perform the technique in rhythm in order to achieve ejaculation correctly. This method can be used to collect semen in a container or not, which simulates an open artificial vagina. This technique is used when a proper artificial vagina is not available.
In a pinch, Jack successfully masturbated his stallion using the crumping method.
by HorseEnthusiast September 12, 2016
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Combine a crap and a dump. It's basically the biggest kind of poop you can take. It was first said by a hispanic male who had too many burritos and a little too much salsa.
I haven't gone to the bathroom for DAYS! I gotta take a crump!
by Valor January 8, 2005
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