
used to describe something unwanted or stupid. similar to gay
1."You like my car? It's a pinto."

"Man, why would you drive a car as cracker as that?"

2. "My computer crashed again? What a cracker!"
by shla'tekkin May 5, 2009
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a term often used to describe white people, generally used in the context of poking fun of white people. this word is NOT a slur, as many white people believe, due to the fact that white people do not face oppression or racism. people of color often use the word cracker to comeback against racist white people.
person 1: "hey my ma made some chicken, you want some?"
person 2: "that chicken looks incredibly unseasoned, is your mom a fucking cracker?"

person 1: "something incredibly uncalled for"
person 2: "shut the hell up cracker, you're whiter than casper the ghost."
by neprona August 11, 2022
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A slang term for 'white person,' which can be affectionate or derogatory depending on the context. Unlike 'redneck,' 'cracker' does not carry the added connotation of 'powhitetrash,' but simply refers to someone who is undeniably white.

Despite the common misconception that 'cracker' refers to whip-happy slave-drivers, the term is derived from 'Florida Cracker,' after Florida hill-billy cattlemen who drove their cattle along the highways, cracking their whips.
have you sampled my designer line of baked goods, 'crackah, pleez?'

get yo cracker ass up in the house fo somebody sees you.
by MerryAndy August 5, 2007
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1. a thin, crisp wafer

2. a word blacks thought up to compete with nigger. they failed
1. I like cheese and crackers.

2. That stupid black called me a cracker.
by Sporky July 27, 2006
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The word cracker has been used by black people most recently for the last twenty five years publicly, as a derogatory insult to white people. A word that has now become popular with white people when referring to black people is the slang term crapper, which refers to a toilette which is used to dispose of human waste.
That is one black crapper, listening to some music sampling no talent rapper named Jasper, who think that all white people are crackers.
by Mike Goldfield November 22, 2006
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A term used in the friendliest manner and used for greeting by all races except Elmer Fudds, then pronounced kwacker and exclaimed with malice. Possible origin of word from early 19th century(1810 to 1840) coined when the sound of the whip was the slave's (usually black) or the endentured servant's (usually white,latino,or asian)or the employee's/associate's (with a healthy salary/401k/IRA/HMO/pph's etc.) call to pick up the pace at any given jobsite. Whether it be cotton fields,railroad tracks,bridges,tunnels, or any other private or municipal project that required a large work force therefore an inherent high number of slackers(pre-union era)made it necessary to get the attention of said unmotivated workers,By making the end of a bullwhip travel faster than the speed of sound("cracking noise") The technique, when practiced regularly can cause an adequate statement of authority. The man/or woman dealing out this authority was called "the cracker".
All those middle class people are just standing in line, getting ready to graze, at the cracker barrel. If their was a head cracker in charge I'll bet the line would be moving faster. "cracker pleease?!".
by terryzz February 17, 2009
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