An individual who on numerous occasions boasts how terrific he is in various life activities, but fails miserably to achieve results and then runs away and crawls into a hole never to take his medicine for his complete lack of life skills.

He taunts other people at drafts and calls his fantasy sports teams something to mock another person like "MY WIFE DRAFTED FOR ME", but he himself embodies loneliness and fails at not just fantasy sports but at life in general and hides away for months, only to resurface and begin his cycle of cowardice all over again, each summer.
Peter said that he would bury you this week in Fantasy Football, but he lost and simply disappeared from the message board. What a damn coward!
by Ivan Drago's Right Hand November 4, 2009
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A person who refuses to appear on The Colbert Report.

A person who thinks with his head rather than feel with his gut.
Thinking is the coward's way out.
by Stephen Colbert April 10, 2006
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She refused to face her alcoholism, she ran to the bottle like a coward.
Her boyfriend cowered like a coward when confronted by her husband.
by Mr. Wonderful2017 July 21, 2017
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A fucking asshole named Brian who can’t find the time of day to see a girl who cares for him so much because he can’t face his damn feelings
Brian, you’re such a fucking coward!
by LylLys January 29, 2018
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a gender inclusive term that asserts dominance
Me: Hello cowards. I have come for you knees.
by moonbredbitch January 20, 2021
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Any member of any flavor of Northern New Mexico law enforcement, fire departments, civil patrols and or any of their pathetic family or friends that in gauge in Domestic Terrorism, Gang Stalking, hiding in the dark and sounding sirens, publicly slandering innocent peoples name, maliciously vandalizing personal property, illegally using false wire taps and sharing the privacy of one's home with the public, co-workers, etc., using technology to electronically harass families in their home, maliciously causing individuals and their families financial hardships, calling to stores individuals are shopping with their children and telling security that the person is a thief and so on in the targeted harassment of an individual and by default their children and home.
Some of those daisy pushing Northern New Mexico law enforcement police officers, civil patrols, fire fighters and their friends and families sure are a sad bunch of pathetic gang stalking domestic terrorist cowards. Cowards in the dark don't tread on me, just because you think your badge will save you. Those coward Northern New Mexico civil patrols, fire fighters and police officers sure have a reckoning with the lord God Jesus Christ, for all the crimes they commit targeting individuals and subjecting them to Domestic Terrorism, Electronic Harassment and other civil rights violations they commit as daisy fertilizing cowards.
by (the) Freelance Sancho August 1, 2019
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