A hairdo emo people use to look like Cousin It, but don't know they do so. This is probably why some people think emos are scary. After all, who isn't afraid of Cousin It?
"Like, omigosh, I just thought I saw liek, Cousin It, but it turned out to be my bf and his emo comb-over"
by Jadien August 8, 2006
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Thinly-veiled and middling-attempt to disguise sexual-history.
-- Granted, Beit Shammai says on a wedding-day you tell the truth, whereas Beit Hillel says you flatter, and we do the latter, but, how to understand Kate Middleton wearing a white-dress at her wedding when she has been living with William for years?!

-- Well, just like in an attempt to hide a small penis, lack of hymen, or embarrassing VD-scars, look at it as a pubic-comb-over.
by sukadog April 24, 2011
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Eyebrows that have been plucked so thin that they look like they are combed-over. Or: they have actually grown one single eyebrow hair very long and combed it over. Either way it's weird.
Bill: Yo Bob, dat Thea gurl got some weird comb-over eyebrows!
Bob: Yeah fam day is so thin brav! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
by LuluJM December 19, 2012
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The Portuguese take on the classic Comb Over hairstyle popularized by the likes of billionaire douche bag Donald Trump, and Televangelist Con Artist/Huckster Benny Hinn.

The gag usually takes place at a Bachelor party in either Fall River or New Bedford MA, but you can certainly pull it off anywhere in the contiguous 48 States if a Portuguese whore is available.

After a night of serious gangbanging, a Portuguese whore's uterus is drained on the head of an unsuspecting party-goer that has passed out. The briny semen, mixed with the discharge from the whore's uterine pustules, is used as a styling gel.

The hair is swept dramatically over the top of the head and left to air dry. The now hardened sperm helmet, will bring hours of delight to the other party-goers.

The unsuspecting victim will eventually wake up from the horrendous Clorox Bleach smell, and he will automatically reach up to feel the hardened semen helmet and begin to vomit as he realizes he's been had. This is when you yell, "You're Fired!!"
Henry got wicked drunk last night and didn't even screw the stripper.

Henry's a known lightweight, did you fuck him up?

We gave him a Portuguese Comb Over, and took pictures.

That'll teach that asshole!!!
by Hamburger Eddie July 20, 2010
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The result of trying to hide one's balding scalp with long strands of bacon combed in one direction.
I don't know why he bothers trying to cover his bald head. Now he looks like Hitler with a pork fat comb over.
by zenmomma August 12, 2009
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When someone has only a few strands of hair on top of their head, but still try to style it.
"Hey look at that teacher, I love his Four-Strand Comb Over"
by TheOnlyBawss March 3, 2015
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A game usually played in public places with large amount of people.

You and other players (spotters) are usually located above a large crowd of people knows as combs. The idea of the game is to spot a comb over before other players do, then all the players will rate the comb over and give it a score. The comb overs are rated on: coverage, shinyness and hair remaining. This score will be added to your total points. Most points at the end of the game wins.
Friend 1: Wana play some comb over spotting?
Friend 2: Sure, this spot is awesome for it
Friend 1: Dude!!! comb over near the stairs
Friend 2: Dam he's gotta be atleast a 200 pointer
Friend 1: Totally, look at the shinyness
by Pro to the o-ness March 2, 2011
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