After going to a funeral and then watching porn, it was time for some chooching while listening to some emo music.
by Souttron, Papa D August 2, 2009
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Donezo. Finished. Usually in the context of being too drunk/high
"Did you see Dave passed out on the couch?" "Yeah man, he's chooched"
"Is that joint still hitting?" "Nah man, its chooched"
by Joe'sABitch July 14, 2017
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To take a long inhale of a cigarette or marijuana cigarette.
Look at breathin antler mike over there taking a big chooche from his cig-rit
by BlackHawkDown1012 October 26, 2010
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To vape, smoke a pipe or cigar and produce a large cloud of vapor or smoke.
I got this cigar chooching good.
by Heisenberg067 berg November 4, 2016
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A term used to describe a part that does work. The better the part, the higher it's chooch factor.
This part is pretty skookum, I bet it has a pretty high chooch factor. Focus you fuck!
by M.D. dictionary June 19, 2017
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A chooch is any disposable device that contains nicotine.
Hey Eli, can you stop by mile zero and get me a chooch real quick.
by Kipen 6 July 14, 2021
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A bottle of Hooch and 4 cherry sourz in a stein glass.

known to be so sweet and acidic as to take a layer of skin from one’s mouth immediately after consumption.

Generally drank as form of initiation.
My god this Chooch is good.”
by ALB95 April 13, 2022
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