A very short, but unusually wide penis.

gotta GET IT ON in the party zone!
gotta LICK A CHOAD in the party zone!
by snuffles345 January 8, 2008
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Noun, usually used to define a person in an unsavorery way. A loser or unpopular person.
Mark is such a choad, I dont know why we hang out with him.
by Darth Oxx July 31, 2009
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A penis so wide it hurts a woman to even fit into her, proof having a big dick is not the best thing ever.
PB's choad was so wide it didnt even fit into a girl who had a baby, to believe he had sex with a virgin with that monster poor girl prolly has no tightness left now...
by Diarrhea Mouth February 24, 2008
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The reason why you don't want to fuck a steamroller...
It is a dick wider than it is long.
"Man, this bee-atch's puss was so tight man, I was afraid if I strained myself too much, i'd fuck my dick into a choad!!!"
by TittayMastar May 26, 2003
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To put it shortly... its a penis, a dick, a cock.
Gotta Suck on a choad in the party zone!
by assblaster9000 May 8, 2013
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hey daniel mcchoad
dan m is a choad
dan m has a choad
dan m has a short fat cock aka choad
by naked old man September 25, 2006
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