A Cleavland Steamer gone awry. While in the act of deficating in ones mouth, the partner on top will miss the target, often releasing all over his partners face, often killing the mood. There will of course be the opposite effect if the partner recieving the act is on sick mother****er.
"Dave was steaming me up when he lost it too soon. It got in my eyes and stung like a bitch. Stupid prick."
by Spic January 12, 2004
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Anything which causes your boner to shrink.
I was in my room just starting a good wank. Whi my sister walked in and said:,"dinner's ready!' talk about a. Boner buzzkill!
by 4realazitgits April 13, 2021
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Something that spoils or ruins a good mood. It can be an event or a person. This event/person tends to destroy the vibe and cause everyone to feel awkward or uncomfortable. It can tend to irritate or annoy others in a usually deliberate attempt to ruin the mood.
Samaara is such a buzzkill she always ruins the vibe
by NobmasterVc06 August 3, 2023
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The most asshat-iest of all Asshats.
Bro, I was explaining the meaning of that song and she ruined it for all of us. She's such a buzzkill.
by 22gamer April 27, 2021
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"The party was so fun until she decided to be a buzzkill and yell at the kids for playing."
"Well, that's my stepmom for you."
by quiet dreams May 9, 2018
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Someone that completely ruins the mood/ changes the vibe that her and people are talking about
God, Amy is a total buzzkill. Always ruining the good vibe
by Carlos Sutton November 2, 2018
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