Also known as "the average homeboy" and "Denny Blaze". Blazin Hazen is a rapper - a whack one it might be added but a rapper nonetheless - who has released a number of albums including "Hot to Trot", "Bam Boom" and "Blazin". He has reinforced the stereotype that (almost all) white men cannot rap.His rap comes off as a joke, yet nobody can say for certain whether the Average Homeboy is for real.
Hazen claims that "Once you hear my demo you'll just be BLAZED". Luckily for him the meaning of BLAZED is ambiguous.
Find out more about Denny Blaze at

- (verb): to "gay it up" or the act of being whack.
"Their screamin my name cause I burn the feet
the ladies go crazy when I turn the beat" - Blazin Hazen

Carlo, if you ever Blazin Hazen again I'll shoot you in the nuts.
by Blazin Hazen August 5, 2006
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The epitome of Chav.
by Claire April 3, 2005
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those 10 british lads who think theyre well hard..
theyre them townies, pretending to be black but only one of them is. they're the dick heads who try to get number one spot by singing 'crossroads' and trying to rap and sing when they can't.
you'll find wannabe blazin squaders in the inner streets of your local town. they'll be wearin track suits n nike caps, tryin to rap though they're crap, they'll be suckin on lollies cos they think they're fags, sippin coke cans cause they're too young to buy booze, and speaking broken/street english.
oi u motherfuckaz we're blazin squad.. ehh the band ya dicks.
its dead wickid innit? we dont use propa names yo?! we named us spider, kenzie ehh we bling, check it... propa silva jewellery from claires accessories! ehh we the bomb!
we the best. we cant speak propa english. but woteva.. we kewl innit?
by mls July 8, 2004
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To kick back, relax/ Smoke some at the spot
What you up to cuz?
Just "blazin it in the cut" you know
by Sarge Griggs March 21, 2008
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Guy 1: "I saw blazin squad tonight!"
Guy 2: "You went to one of their concerts?"
Guy 1: "No I walked past the chip shop."
by the coolest guy ever February 29, 2004
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a person who is above the age of 25 and still smokes.

a stoner that is way to old to still be smoking. MOVE ON WITH YOUR LIFE. grow up!
(blazin=stoner raisin=old)
My blazin raisin brother is married and has two kids and still can't put down the herb
by noelle miller January 26, 2009
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