1. a word i just typed in the look up box
2. also a word that people use when they have nothing else to say
Hannah: blah
Will: what was that for?
Hannah: i have nothing else to say, BLAH!
by lol2myself May 13, 2009
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a slang term used to describe your bra when you feel uncomfortable saying "bra"
Josey: i really need a bigger blah

Mike: what's a blah?

Melanie: you don't wanna know.
by justineee February 1, 2009
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A word used to either be said when someone has nothing else to say or to speak when you are literally showing no interest on a person talking to you in an obvious way.
Example 1:
"So science can be very helpful in many different ways such as observing how nature works,learning how your surroundings behave,learn how everything functions blah,blah,blah and stuff..."
Example 2:
Person 1:
Person 2:
-"blah blah blah,this thing again?Yeah yeah i get it."
by CARV350 February 21, 2018
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A word used to replace swears in the popular chat forum "CokeMusic." as a censour.
"So I told that jerk to kiss my ass...but it came out all wrong and just said kiss my blah."
by coolperson512 May 1, 2006
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A blah is a non-descript, boring, often stupid person that no one pays much attention to. Could be someone sitting right next to you at a restaurant, a bus stop, work, school, etc.

Often thought to be urban legends, but that's just because no one notices them.
1. Having a conversation with a blah like like talking to a rock. Except that the rock is actually kinda cool.

2. Some day the blahs are going to revolt, but nobody will care.

3. Have you ever seen a picture of a blah? Neither have I.

4. Huh, a blah sounds a lot like me...
by the rifleman April 20, 2006
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1. an adolescent that does not seem to display any signs of a real personality

2. the opposite of an ogre - a person with no layers
"Margaret, will you please go find yourself a characteristic other than BLAH?"
by Alexa&Molly January 23, 2006
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Meaning your friend, mate. stems from the word blud.
"Oi blah chuck us that beer!"
by Oki3 July 23, 2006
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