Comes from the Transformers series Beast Wars, which is nothing compared to the original Transformers.
Megatron was too cool to use Beast Mode.
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The drunken state after tipsy and drunk but before hell mode. Beast mode is a level of drunk where you allow the alcohol to take full control of your decisions. Typically takes 15-20 units in very short space of time to enter, one must keep topping up their alcohol consumption to remain in beast mode.
Dan now you're single and ready to mingle you can pull tonight! Tell you what if you're unsure, get into beast mode and let beast mode decide for you.
by Mr ACR November 16, 2013
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A term used by Satanists, Sadists, and Reptilian creatures to use as a motivation for their evilness when having meaningless sex with other evil entities, unkind and harsh psychotic personalities. Most likely these people are not from this earth.
Best part is we get to go beast mode with them...
by RealHuman December 17, 2014
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A sub-conscious button that is turned on, to produce epic gameplay in the popular Bungie Studios' game "Halo 3." Turning on this switch allows one to overrun a a team of highly ranked players that think they are MLG worthy. By doing so, one can also gather material for their upcoming montage.
1. Dude, I was one shot in blue room, but popped out and went beast mode on his ass.

2. I went +24 on The Pit? Wow, beast mode.
by Veracious4Tap December 8, 2009
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beast mode : adj typically indicating amazing, insanely well performed, out performing and basically dominating everythign else ever made in the historty of whatever act is being performed.

person 1 - YO that was a beast mode dance homie!
person 2 (paras)- TRU DAT!
by xotpal January 23, 2007
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To perform the action of going beast; any beast like action; of or realating to a beast: doing somthing absolutly tits
Paul Buzzell (Bubba) is just straight up beast mode.
by Paul Buzzell March 6, 2008
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