A totally gaywad movie about a bunch of low life fartknockers that don't have jobs, but manage to drive $80,000 cars and loaf around all day having *kewl* adventures.
The Fast And The Furious should have included the Mystery Van from Scooby-Doo, then it would have rocked.
by The Dodger November 11, 2003
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A person who is bisexual, but is pissed off when the subject of them being bisexual is brought up.
Stacey threw a fit of bi-furious rage when I asked her if she was also into women.
by jayrad February 10, 2008
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Furious George is when you angrily throw poo at a chick because she crapped on your dick during anal
I fucked a chick with a loose stool so i had to Furious George her
by Brian and Nick April 3, 2009
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1. The act of masturbation which involves a glass shower door and several litres of blood and semen (ratio of blood to semen differs from person to person and frequency of said act). Typically performed when regular meat beating just doesn't cut it.

See also furious masturbation.

2. An extremely angry nocturnal winged mammal.
Ex 1. "John? What are you doing in the bathroom? You've been in there for over half an hour. You're not having a furious bat are you?"

Ex 2. "Dude, I went into the cave, didn't find any water, only furious bats."
by Snopek November 7, 2006
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When you are having sex and you shoot cum into the girls eyes, mouth, and womb. Then she proceeds to punch your balls ack furiously because you made her pregnant and blind.
Dayum son, did you see my friend? He was being a furious cummer last night dawg!
by Dallas Steamer February 17, 2016
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When you've been sexually frustrated for so long that you become angry, you are said to be sexually furious.
Zydrunas: "I haven't had sex in so long I just want to throw a girl over a table and fuck the shit out of her!"
Black Sam: "Man you're sexually furious!"
by uttondiddies August 10, 2013
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A crappy movie that the director compares to opera, starring an actor who the director keeps calling "a beautiful, beautiful man." And it has Vin Deisel.
by Lifeman October 4, 2003
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