If someone makes an absolutely awful joke, or says something completely random or pointless. One member of the group may "zing" them.
This works best if done during the awkward silence after the joke/comment.
The zinger may also point with an open palm, fingers first at the joke/comment maker while zinging them for effect.
George: Hey guess what guys...last night we were having dinner right, and my mother, the silly oaf, burnt my pizza!!........(expecting laughter from the group)

Andy: (waitin a few seconds for the awkward silence to take hold.......ZING!!!!! (while pointing wih open palm)

Rest of Group: (laughter and general abuse directed at joke maker)
by lawrencejames March 1, 2007
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A lame expression used by lame, pretentious pseudo-interlectuals in order to try and make a person feel stupid.

Insulting the recipient's intelligence (implying they're too stupid to realise they've been 'dissed' in some way or another), some crony of theirs has to call out 'Zing!'.

They usually do this because they are incapable of actually being smart, and instead acheive this fake image by making others look stupid.
Pseudo-Interlectual A: <some witty remark, thats not that witty that I can't be stuffed to think of right now>

Pseudo-Interlectual B: "Zing!"

Me - "Really? Are you SURE I was just 'Zung'? I am incapable of detecting these things, don't you know..."
by Lubbix_Mclubbix August 28, 2005
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a word used after you have insulted someone,
Sam: Wow that car's paint job is ugly
Alec:Ugly like a french Canadian
by 25567876 February 28, 2010
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When you have killed someone in an arguement you or someone around you may exclaim "ZING" has loudly as possible whilst pointing directly at the person
Some Guy: Hey sat next to skeletor here you look like hercules.

Homer: ZING!
by Mark Handley March 9, 2004
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word to be used after someone does a crap punchline
Angus: your gay
Donald: your mums gay
Dylan: ZING!
by annnnnnngus January 25, 2009
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If someone makes an absolutely awful joke, or says something completely random or pointless. One member of the group may "zing" them.
This works best if done during the awkward silence after the joke/comment.
The zinger may also point with an open palm, fingers first at the joke/comment maker while zinging them for effect.
George: Hey guess what guys...last night we were having dinner right, and my mother, the silly oaf, burnt my pizza!!........(expecting laughter from the group)

Andy: (waitin a few seconds for the awkward silence to take hold.......ZING!!!!! (while pointing wih open palm)

Rest of Group: (laughter and general abuse directed at joke maker)
by lawrencejames March 3, 2007
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Funyy yet gay or retarted refering to Bobby
Bobby is soo Zing Zing Zing Bah.
by Lucky13 October 15, 2004
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