The act of rapeing in a semi-hug position while standing over the victim
"I like Hungeing so I'm going to jail cause I'm a sick cunt
by Faggot's requiem April 15, 2019
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Hung : Shortened version of Hungry. Used by everyone who is cool enough. Hung Is the equivalent of Starving. Pronounced as if you are saying the word Lunge, But Replace the L with an H
Yo Im Dumb-Hung Right Now Son!
by This_Guy27 February 12, 2011
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A Hung is a type of person who loves to discuss, but they have such a low level of cleverness that they always seems stupid or retarded. Their disscusions often takes place on the internet on forums or usually in a private chat service such as Skype. Even though they fail miserably time and time again, they keep discussing, because they don't have the level of smartness to realise that they are never right.
The word can also be used as a verb, "Hunging" which means that you are discussing on the same level as a Hung.
The "Hung" likes to discuss football on skype, but he doesn't know anything about football.

He sucks at discussing, he is "hunging"!
by Hotfyr16 October 29, 2010
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I am so fucking hung! I haven't eaten since noon!
by Milford Cubicles July 26, 2010
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i woke up hung bananas and I won’t be leaving my bed today
by StankNacho June 18, 2022
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That feeling the morning after an epic night, a mixture of headache and accomplishment.
Bro, I was so hung ched after that banger Saturday, but it was epic!
by baiyysss February 27, 2014
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