The act of a man giving another man with a loose asshole a rimjob wearing a wallace (from wallace and gromit) mask. Often the receiver will have diarrhea at the time for extra sloppiness.
Samuel and his boyfriend enjoy giving eachother sloppy wallaces when they have the runs
by Mcjj21 November 11, 2014
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The alter super ego of the whitest african american nurse known to work Psych. Blackie Wallace Origins start in Hood-Rat porn but have escalated into any form of Agressive or Abusive behavior with strong ties to BDSM.
Oh Shit, Tracie just went Blackie Wallace (or Blackie Motherfuckin Wallace) on that patient and whooped his ass.
by Blackie Wallace October 26, 2011
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The only former-racist in history that deserves our admiration, respect, and forgiveness.

George Corley Wallace Jr. served three terms as the governor of the state of Alabama. He was the candidate of the American Independent Party in the 1968 presidential election, where he captured the electoral votes from five states (Arkansas, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, and Georgia) and nearly 10 million votes. Wallace ran on a platform on pro-segregation views, which remarks on his previous declaration of "segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever".

Wallace planned to run again in 1972, but was shot in the back and paralyzed while campaigning in Maryland. It was after this that, unlike other racists that scream faggotry and douchebag-like characters such as Strom Thurmond and Trent Lott, George Wallace began to realize how he had been corrupted due to the racial society he grew up in, and actually had the strength and courage to learn what he was truly meant to believe.

Soon after his injury, in the 1970s, George Wallace became a born-again Christian and publicly renounced his previous pro-segregation views and apologized to several black civil rights leaders all across America. He admitted it: he was wrong to judge humans on the basis of skin. When he was re-elected governor of Alabama (1983-87), he appointed a record number of African-Americans to government position, something many Southern leaders at the time were still hesitant to do.

George Wallace proved to be a man that was originally corrupted by growing up in racial times to becoming a loving father-like figure that truly acknowledged what he was meant to believe: that segregation is wrong. George Wallace amazingly proved not to be a hypocrite, but a hero in the hearts of many Americans that once thought all racists were incapable of reform and undeserving of forgiveness, because George Wallace proved to be an exception to that thought.

George Wallace died in 1998.
From wikipedia:
- George Wallace said while he once sought power and glory, he realized he needed to seek love and forgiveness.

- On one occasion, when asked by a reporter which contemporary American political figure he most admired, George Wallace paused thoughtfully for a moment, smiled, and said: "Myself."

God bless George Wallace.
by George Wallace admirer April 28, 2009
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UCLA student who became an instant sensation after posting a video on YouTube dubbed "Asians in the library" where she expresses her grievances using language many found offensive, racist, and insulting stereotypes towards the Asian community.

To Ms. Wallace's dismay, her instant popularity was rather negative as her attempt to vent her discomfort let to immediate verbal and virtual attacks towards her, including death threats and unfriendly posts and replies on her video column, Facebook and Twitter accounts. What some have refereed to as her "right to exercise free speech" led to her name hitting the headlines in the media, unrest among the UCLA population, UCSD Chancellor coming forward in defense of the institution, and Ms. Wallace herself apologizing for her remarks.

Her video also provoked other YouTubers to upload videos either parodying her rants or expressing their disapproval.
UCLA Student 1: Hey, man, have you heard about that white chick Alexandra Wallace dissing Asians on speaking loudly in the library and bringing their family over to the dorms?"

UCLA Student 2: Crap, dude, she's just across the hall from me and no one wants anything to do with her now. She's famous now but not the right way to be famous, dude.

UCLA Student 1: Yeah man, she totally crossed the line.
by USFIRSTGOV March 18, 2011
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Fox News talking head most famous for ignorantly trying an ambush on former President Bill Clinton. Clinton was to be interviewed about his charity work when Wallace jumped right in accusing Clinton of not doing anything to fight terrorist during his time office. He was severely bitch slapped by Clinton. Clinton called him out for the "conservative hitjob" and throwing softballs questions to those in Bush administration while not asking them what they did pre-9/11.
Clinton opened a can of whoopass on Chris Wallace for trying to blindside him. I heard Wallace still has nightmares of having his ass handed to him. I bet it's on YouTube.
by Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. March 15, 2008
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Female UCLA student who reached notoriety in just a matter of hours by posting a racist inappropriate rant on YouTube discriminating against Asian students in the library and on campus. With her mediocre vocabulary and ignorant views, she left people wondering how she even gained admission into UCLA. Probably S'd some D.
"Like oh mah gosh mah mamma raised me to be perfect with my fake blonde hair and orange tan, hehe" - Alexandra Wallace
by justtryingtostudy March 14, 2011
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Multi-faceted character portrayed by Uma Thurman in the 1994 Tarantino film, Pulp Fiction. Is married to Marsellus Wallace, who is also known as the Big Man. Known in one of the biggest scenes in movie history, where John Travolta (Vincent) and Uma Thurman (Mia) twist for a contest at Jackrabbit Slim's. Shortly thereafter, Mia experiences a drug overdose and after an intense scene at a drug dealer's house(Lance), is stabbed in the heart with an adrenaline shot.
MIA WALLACE: Don't you hate that?
MIA: Uncomfortable silences. Why do we feel it's necessary to yak about bullshit in order to be comfortable?
VINCENT: I don't know. That's a good question.
MIA: That's when you know you've found somebody special. When you can just shut the fuck up for a minute and comfortably enjoy the silence.

LANCE: You're going to have to give her an injecion of adrenaline directly to her heart. But she's got, uh, breastplates... (taps Mia's chest). You've gotta pierce through that. So what you have to do is, you have to bring the needle down in a stabbing motion. (demonstrates three times)
VINCENT: I-I gotta stab her three times?
LANCE: No, you don't gotta fucking stab her three times! You gotta stab her once, but it's gotta be hard enough to break through her breastplate into her heart, and then once you do that, you press down on the plunger.
VINCENT: What happens after that?
LANCE: I'm kinda curious about that myself.
by DGDarlin July 28, 2006
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