It’s you you probably don’t know you have it.. If you don’t know you’ve been living under a rock your whole life crying to yourself every night. Well now you know! You can share and brag to your friends and they will say wow! This is incredible! How did you find this? and you will show them this and then they will search it up and show their other friends.
Wow Diabetes V8 is so incredibly idiotic! No wonder why I didn’t tell my friends about this!
by WowLAMOCALIFORNIA November 7, 2019
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A girl who thinks she's so cool doing burnouts in her V8 Ford falcon at the local plaza car park.

She thinks she is the biggest bogan in Australia but really she just has bogan syndrome. And calls you cunt instead of your first name.
Oh no. That V8 Girl is back at the plaza trying to look cool in her ford again.

V8 Girl is such a try hard bogan in that crappy ford. Someone should tell her to go buy a real car

a Holden Commodore.
by Coombs Life February 19, 2023
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V8GIRL is a fancy classy rev head chick who only drives HOLDEN V8s while cruising around doing burnouts with the kids seat in the back 💗V8s
Look at that Sheila driving V8GIRL she’s a top cunt

V8 GIRL 1 Tuff cunt
by Dazza Top Cunt September 10, 2022
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An absolute unit of a species that delivers V8 cans or bottles to the people who need it most. Often these cans/bottles show up when lesser expected, and one ponders who delivers such a thing
This being is never seen, but his actions are observed.
“Dylan how did this v8 end up in my asshole?”
“Must have been the V8 fairy
by DickSlapper420 July 17, 2022
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a v8 body or mika. its a term to use when you vind somones booty attractive and sexy eventhough the person itself can't see it. these mika's are very attractive. also hey max!
by sweet bean June 24, 2019
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Holden's most produced pushrod debued in the HT series in 1969. This would be Holdens largest V8 produced excluding the HDT (Holden Dealer Team) V8's. Producing a whopping 210 horsepower ish. Often referred to as a "three oh" the engine became an Aussie icon and thr catch phrase "never late in a three oh eight" was born. After 1974 the motor was choked up by emissons laws in Australia and became almost gutless. The 308 was later destroked to an injected 304 and became on of Australia's popular bogan hoon V8s along side replacement for the inline 6 buick 3.8 v6
"Oh s**t it's a 308"
"Yea mate I just stuck a three oh in the ute"
Definition: The 308 v8 is a Holden pushrod 5 litre V8 produced in 1969
by Hejajfkald January 15, 2018
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