Eating pumpkin pie out of someone’s anus while wearing clown makeup.
Joani asked John, do you want me to juno uranus?
by Hillbilly Hustler November 1, 2017
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the name given to the action of fisting a girls anus while having a four finger ring on your hand. Ideally, the ring says "shocker" across it.
She really seemed to enjoy getting the rings of uranus.

did you see the rings of uranus?

She screamed when she first caught site of the rings of uranus.
by brian mastrantoune December 12, 2005
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can also be spelt as `moons of your anus ` which are potentially found on hairy ass guys where the moons are smaller bits of shit are attached to hairs near the ass
it came out as rabbit shit that clung on like the 'moons of Uranus'
by mmeadow October 11, 2009
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Something you remind your dumb friend of saying in 7th grade without realizing how wrong it sounded
hey -name- remember when you said uranus has furries
by SubscribeToLixenite February 21, 2020
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The thing you say when you want to look at that sexy planet up in the sky.
Dude, can you Show Me Uranus? I want to know where it is.
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Used in the same context as Butt Fuck Egypt, but when REALLY REALLY FAR. Much further away than places you'd usually refer to as Butt Fuck Egypt.
Person A: Man, you going from Miami to Ft. Lauderdale? That's butt fuck egypt!

Person B: And then I have to go to Orlando...

Person A: Now that's Butt Fuck Uranus!
by Andy "The Man" Alexis March 31, 2006
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