the pole that comes from trolley's, it is the bit you puch, you get it by putting the trolley on the side and jumping on the trolley just below where the pole connects to the trolley, it is incredibly light and easy to conceal. but it packs a great deal of punch and will knock out your opponent. very popular in Australia
"man did you hear that dickhead ed got the shit beaten out of him?"
"yeah i heard he got poled in the head by matt"
"yeah matt knocked him out, i saw ed strumbling around like 30 minutes after it happened, he was fucked"
"yeah trolley polls are deadly"
by F"crack"J September 3, 2005
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When a dog or animal scoots or draggs it's rectum on the carpet. This is usually done by walking with the front two legs and sitting with the back two legs lifted.
Holy Crap!Look at your dogg she is doing something nasty on the carpet!!

Oh no!! Roxie is trolley riding again. I think she might have worms or something.

Thats gnarly, i hope you have a carpet cleaner or something!
by Zaca July 10, 2009
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A nickname for a person who sorts out trolleys in a supermarket car park.
Person 1: "so what are you doing for work?"
Person 2:"For now I am just a trolley wally, but soon I might get promoted to making donuts in the bakery"
by Trolleywally69 December 24, 2020
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Similar to an asshat, only much more blunt. This refers to an annoying driver who is in your way, with no way of getting out of the situation,similar to when you have aids. Since they are driving, they become an aids trolley.
That douche is going 25 in a 40 mph zone. I can't get around him. You gigantic aids trolley!
by churchofzultan March 29, 2014
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An often over-painted but nonetheless glamourous and sexy female cabin crew member on a commercial airline, so-called because they offer drinks and other refreshments from a trolley pushed down the centre aisle. Once, it was acceptable to also pinch or grope them as they passed with their trolleys but alas, no longer. Now they must use more complicated methods of picking up men that they fancy.

Otherwise known as "tarts with carts" or "flying mattresses ". Were known once for offering "coffee, tea or me".
"But mammy, I've always wanted to be a trolley dolly!" "But you'll be nothing but a flying mattress!"....
by John and Susan March 20, 2006
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A Bronco Trolley is Homestarrunner's favorite after-school snack. It is made by spreading peanutbutter on a triscuit, and then topping it off with a slice of orange.
"Hey mum would you like to try one of the Bronco Trolleys that i just made?"
by Ryan Goetz January 2, 2004
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A car, usually a falling to pieces hatchback that's older than the owner, with ridiculously excessive rear spoiler stuck on it,amongst other things, making it resemble Tesco's finest. Almost exclusively driven by those of the ned persuasion, at high speeds (till it inevitably breaks down or crashes) and with some form of trance house music on, preferably with the windows rolled down to share said music with the public at large. People driving them think they look the shit, but in reality would have as much sophistication and subtlety if they were wheeled around in an actual shopping trolley.
Not only is he driving a shopping trolley, but he's chosen to respray it neon orange... And he's a 35 year old man wearing glasses and high waisted jeans... he thinks he's cool bless...
by Abbey-Sara May 25, 2008
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