a. welcome to mindhead
b. can be seen on tv jumping on top of couches
c. believes psychiatry is phoney
d. rose to stardom after sock sliding in his underwear
didn't know he was in that vampire movie until two years later.
by animal_muppet August 8, 2005
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stupid scientologist who does make good movies but is totally uneducated in the ways of the world.
Sally: Have you heard Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are getting married??!!

Bob: Yeah, I always knew they were both fullashit.
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Verb- the act of pretending to know more about a subject than one actually does.
Dude, don't tom cruise me on cellular biology, cause i know you don't know shit about it.
by Zach Dierks December 1, 2006
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Verb. To jump up and down on a couch overly excited by something, often a person of the opposite sex. The person who Tom Cruises is usually considered an idiot.
When Allie realized that Jim had come to the party, she started Tom Cruise-ing until we had to call the 911 to calm her down.
by SiLvEr STARSx May 19, 2006
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tom cruise acts like a douche off screen constantly, plus i think he is suffering from reality angst, which we are suffering from. get this guy on drug for fuck's sake

tom is a douche
cruise is a bag
tom cruise = major douchebag
by xvxununun October 10, 2006
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Hollywood dwelling Sciencetologist creature that jumps on couches and spawns deformed children.
"Damn! Tom Cruise was really good in Rain Man!"

"Yeah, but ever sense he started banging Katie Holms and couches, I must say that he sucks ass."
by I swear to drunk, I'm not God! October 25, 2006
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