Dallas Winston is a character from The Outisders. He's a hot greaser who doesn't show emotion but is mysterious and cute.
by Mrs.Winston November 30, 2016
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a beluga whale who likes baths and drinking, and is best friends with Franklin D. Roosevelt they are such good friends that FDR has seen him in the bath.
history teacher "today we are learning that im very biased to two people and one is the beluga whale, Winston Churchill."
kids "yay!" *throws hands in the air*
by theatrenerd24601 May 23, 2019
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Ann- Dally Winston is so hot omg!
Char-Ugh I know!!
Ann- Shut tf up
by AnnFrank64 January 7, 2021
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In the MOBA called League of Legends, it's when Miss Fortune kills two champions with her Q.
"Did you see that winston double? MF killed both alistar and Kayle with her q"
by Cookieqwedsazxc September 19, 2019
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The act of licking one's butthole after jizzing in it from anal sex
by ccuummm January 10, 2010
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A man who directs One Direction music videos and sucks at his job. He tends to steal ideas from other people and pass them off as his own. He's like a bad zit, not matter how you try to get it to go away, it never leaves.
Ben Winston needs to stop doing whatever it is he is doing.
by Emg16 February 21, 2015
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Verb: The act of brainwashing or forcing someone into accepting and idea, ideal or concept using really cynical logic, like in 1984.
I am going to winston John, his smug ass is always talking about how he is going to save the world with recycling and veganism little did he know his participation in society is in itself the problem.
by singleservingfrd July 1, 2015
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